What I used for battling aiptasia
I did find that Joe's Juice was the most effective single item for ridding my tank of aiptasia - but when I was overrun with these stinging sinners, I did find that bulk calcium chloride, purchased from Home Depot, worked quite well - $10 worth of calcium chloride will last you about 40 years, I think. Seriously, find someone who has already purchased some and get a small bag from them.
I mix the powder with water and a bit of vinegar, so that the white stuff is a `thick liquid', then I put it in the microwave and heat it up, then stir again and use it right away. This killed 65 to 70% of the aiptasia on the first go around. Some required a second helping.
Interestingly, I have used this mix more recently and have noticed that the aiptasia do not even close up when you get near them ...? They just accept the fairly lethal injection - I have been wondering if my current aiptasia are dumber than the previous ones I've had. Or does the warmness of the mix lull the aiptasia to sleep just like warm milk and a baby? I use the mix quite quickly now after it comes out of the microwave, so that's the only other difference I can think of.