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Old 03-16-2003, 02:19 AM
GregJ GregJ is offline
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I just got back from J&L,, and do they ever have some nice fish right now! They have some 1.5" butterfly's and tangs that are so cute, and some little cute red scooter blennies. They all looked good except for the small powder blues, something didn't look right with them.
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Old 03-16-2003, 02:33 AM
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Did they happen to mention why they are carrying them?
Was it a mistake or something?
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Old 03-16-2003, 02:57 AM
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J&L seems to try and cater to the reefing public, from what I can gather. But I have only been there twice, and there were multiple powder blue tangs both times.

It's not something one should see - I agree. Most (but not all) of the ones I saw looked awful as well...

No, I never said anything....maybe I mumbled a bit....I see other things here locally, never tanks filled with powder blue tangs, at least the stores I frequent....but in the end, they could give a crapload what I say....I mean I have already stocked my tanks for the most part.

If we cut off every source we have, what is left? Nothing. So we educate the source, or shop where it feels better ????

I like J&L, they do not exhibit some of the high pressure tactics of some of the other MO - I know nothing of their management, or who controls what happens there.

However, I will send an email tonite to them, regarding my own personal feelings on the issue.
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Old 03-16-2003, 03:16 AM
GregJ GregJ is offline
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Naesco, I never even asked. It was pretty busy and the guy didn't seem to be in the best of moods :?. From what I saw , the bigger ones were some of the most beautiful I've seen, and the little ones(3-4") looked like they were on there deathbed, very pale blue and the yellow on the fins was bleached right out with somewhat tattered fins, and on some it was apparent that they were not eating(quit skinny). Oh and they had some purple fire gobies which I hadn't seen before, and wow they are nice,the fins were a little tattered, but other wise looked very healthy.
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Old 03-16-2003, 03:24 AM
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It is my understanding that purple firefish have a horrible survival rate. :?
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Old 03-16-2003, 03:28 AM
mikey_d18 mikey_d18 is offline
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i had my purples for a long time, never had a prob, but i gave em up
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Old 03-16-2003, 03:35 AM
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Originally Posted by teevee
aquarium allusions has a pile of them in quarantine right now. unfortunate, because so many people will jump on them. nicest tang by far i think. :? same as selling nudibranchs and gorgonians i guess.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Old 03-16-2003, 03:42 AM
GregJ GregJ is offline
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Oh, that's no good . I wonder why they brought so many in? I wanted to get one too
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Old 03-16-2003, 03:43 AM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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Just for the record I didn't mean to insinuate that J & L did that on purpose, if it came across that way, I am sorry.

I am curious as to where they got them from though, we all know Blue Tangs are usually cyanide caught, having so many young ones not doing well, it seems that perhaps their supplier isn't telling them the whole truth.
That being said, I don't know much if anything about how the fish are brought in, NOR do I know for sure where those fish come from. I do know my LFS gets its shipments of fish the same days and about the same times as J & L, and if J & Ls stuff didn't come in neither did my LFS. My LFS however admits yes some of their fish are cyanide caught, they don't like it, but people want fish that they can afford. Lets face it, how many of us would pay $99 for a guaranteed NON cyanide caught fish when we can get the same fish with out knowing the real history for $49.... I don't know about you but, my pocket book would certainly over ride the moral dilema of purchasing fish that MAY have been cyanide caught.

I'd say, with out sticking my neck on the line that J & L is a reputable dealer... I am willing to give them the bennefit of the doubt and hope those fish were a surprise and not ordered at that size. Although I have been in there and seen HUGE angels that just arrived the day or so before, again, lets hope they were brought in on a special order...
I like J & L, I think they are above the board, I think though that they are trying to make a buck in a HIGHLY competitive market. We are lucky here from what I understand we pay about 1/4 to 1/2 what our neighbours to the south in Seattle pay for fish, so it is to our advantage to have the LFS trying to undercut each other for the time being. In a year, or more, lets hope that J & L can still afford to stay in the market... although I wouldn't pay double the money for a fish from J & L, I would pay a few bucks more for the peace of mind to know that they are a reputable, and environmentally aware company, that doesn't purposely bring in fish that are most likely destined to die slowly in some persons tank.
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Old 03-16-2003, 03:51 AM
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Originally Posted by BCOrchidGuy
Lets face it, how many of us would pay $99 for a guaranteed NON cyanide caught fish when we can get the same fish with out knowing the real history for $49.... I don't know about you but, my pocket book would certainly over ride the moral dilema of purchasing fish that MAY have been cyanide caught.
I wouldn't be in the hobby if I couldn't do that. These are live creatures, not disposable ones.
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