Originally Posted by MMAX
I picked up a Nutrafin Master Test Kit last night. Here's my parameters...Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 15 mg/L, Phosphate 0.5 mg/L, Calcium 340 mg/L (it says optimum range is 400-450), pH 8.3, and Alkalinity (KH) 130 mg/L (it says 105-125 is ideal). Temp is 27 celcius and SG is 1.0245. There were no tests for magnesium in the kit I bought.
Your nitrates and phosphates are definately on the high side for a reef tank. Are you having any algae issues? It really would help if you posted a pic of your tank. Is that possible?
And it looks like you weren't adding as much Calcium as it sounded like you were! Time to boost up the Calcium! I keep my Calcium around 410-425 ppm, and it works well. It would be a good idea to up your salinity just a bit too to 1.025-1.026 as corals prefer a higher salinity.