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Old 05-02-2008, 12:36 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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The one interesting thing on this thread is how everybody is blaming the government for this. It is interesting how a lot of people say they should be allowed to do what they want, where they want and the government should stick their nose somewhere else. I am not in the government I just run a small business here in the "Wack". Its not the government who says you can't park in my lot unless you are a's me...Its not the government who says you can't smoke in my shop... it's me....God help the loser that tries to take a p*ss on my property. Does that make me a dictator?? Nope just protecting whats mine. Do I try to recycle? my best..not because the government says to,but it makes sense. You see it's all about perspective. Are there a lot of smart, intelligent people around.. You Betcha...put them in a group and the right situation and they become a mindless mob...Thats a fact folks...So if you want to smoke... smoke, just be a responsible[respectful] smoker, do it in your own home or your car[less your kids], just don't do it in my face. Let me enjoy a meal at a restaurant without the smell of someones smoke wafting at my table.
Ps: The government tell's you to pay tax's too......
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:41 AM
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Of course non-smokers don't want smoke blown in their face, or have to walk outside a doorway filled with smoke. The smokers don't particularly want to be out in the wet and cold either. So, give them their area to smoke in. As long as it's not bothering non-smokers, why not give them a room at the office or at the factory, bar, etc. Even the junkies have a place to crank up!
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Old 05-02-2008, 01:15 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Why is it the companies resposibility to pay for a smoking area/room for the smokers? Certainly not for the junkies to shoot up either. As a patron of bars and restaurants who had supposed "smoking areas" I could hardly ever find one where the smoke didn't work its way over to the table I was sitting at. As for the poor smokers who have to go outside in the rain... Oh well.... Lets just say too bad for now. As a child I was subject to my parents smoking, now if I get a smoking related disease do I blame/sue them?? So am I blaming all smokers for all the health issues today... certainly not. It is a major contributor though. Is it a persons right to do what they want, whenever they want...No Freakin Way! Sorry smokers you are a minority now, so unless that changes...Majority the public workplaces etc. If they can ever prove that smoking is a health benefit well pass a pack of Players my way...until then....Butt Out.
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Old 05-02-2008, 01:34 AM
Sebae again Sebae again is offline
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I say smoke on your own time! If people can't drink and get paid for it why should smokers get paid for it? You know what a pain in the ... it is to track down employees when they've got to always go for a smoke not to mention the wasted time.Should a non smoker get paid an extra 2 hours a day more for not taking smoke breaks. Think of the whining that would happen then.
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Old 05-02-2008, 01:39 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Right on......
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Old 05-02-2008, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by dsaundry View Post
Why is it the companies resposibility to pay for a smoking area/room for the smokers? Certainly not for the junkies to shoot up either. As a patron of bars and restaurants who had supposed "smoking areas" I could hardly ever find one where the smoke didn't work its way over to the table I was sitting at. As for the poor smokers who have to go outside in the rain... Oh well.... Lets just say too bad for now. As a child I was subject to my parents smoking, now if I get a smoking related disease do I blame/sue them?? So am I blaming all smokers for all the health issues today... certainly not. It is a major contributor though. Is it a persons right to do what they want, whenever they want...No Freakin Way! Sorry smokers you are a minority now, so unless that changes...Majority the public workplaces etc. If they can ever prove that smoking is a health benefit well pass a pack of Players my way...until then....Butt Out.

I'm not saying companies should be forced to provide a smoking area. I'm saying don't stop a business that does want to provide a smoking area for patrons or employees the right to do so. If my customers want a place to smoke, and I wish to provide it, who's to say I can't. If it's not illegal and not bothering anybody, where's the harm?
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Old 05-02-2008, 02:32 AM
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i am sick and tired of the segregation that is forced upon my people. It is unjust, when i am outside smoking i try to position myself in the highest traffic area so more of the self-righteous sucessful quitters can breathe my cigarette's refreshing aroma. Non-smokers are not the problem, they are great people, the problem is some of these people who have quit that it goes to thier head and they suddenly beleive the belong to an elitest tribe and they know what is best for me. Nuh-uh, smoking may be bad for my health, but i find it to be very beneficial to my mental wellbeing, is that not worth something?
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Old 05-02-2008, 04:12 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Ok so lets say you provide a place for your customers to smoke, now lets say one of your non-smoking customers complains that he can smell smoke and it bothers him...What do you do?? I have yet to see a smoking area in any building where the smoke isn't an issue. Perhaps your business is frequented by more smokers than non-smokers so you tell the non-smoker "sorry its the best I can do" but if your business is frequented by more non-smokers than smokers I guarantee you better make the non-smoker your priority because its them that pays your bills. Again it still boils down to money.....
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Old 05-02-2008, 04:30 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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am sick and tired of the segregation that is forced upon my people. It is unjust, when i am outside smoking i try to position myself in the highest traffic area so more of the self-righteous sucessful quitters can breathe my cigarette's refreshing aroma. Non-smokers are not the problem, they are great people, the problem is some of these people who have quit that it goes to thier head and they suddenly beleive the belong to an elitest tribe and they know what is best for me. Nuh-uh, smoking may be bad for my health, but i find it to be very beneficial to my mental wellbeing, is that not worth something?
Hmm, Well I have never smoked and am very allergic to it and for someone to make a statement like that seems a bit silly and uninformed. As for segregation it is my choice to go or not to go to a place knowing that they allow smoking, whether it is a friends house or a family members, however if I go to a nice restaurant and would like to enjoy a nice meal or go to a sports bar and watch a game, as it stands now I don't have to smell smoke from someones cigar or cigarette. So as for positioning yourself in a high traffic area so non-smokers can enjoy the refreshing aroma....because of your mental well-being???? It's a law right now and I am sure nobody is going to shoot someone for lighting up outside, but it is the law and it seems pretty simple. As I have stated before, I don't care if someone wants to smoke, just do it where its allowed....

Last edited by dsaundry; 05-02-2008 at 04:31 AM. Reason: correction
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Old 05-02-2008, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by dsaundry View Post
Ok so lets say you provide a place for your customers to smoke, now lets say one of your non-smoking customers complains that he can smell smoke and it bothers him...What do you do?? I have yet to see a smoking area in any building where the smoke isn't an issue. Perhaps your business is frequented by more smokers than non-smokers so you tell the non-smoker "sorry its the best I can do" but if your business is frequented by more non-smokers than smokers I guarantee you better make the non-smoker your priority because its them that pays your bills. Again it still boils down to money.....

I'm not disagreeing with your statement at all. Of course if I'm losing business due to complaints I'll change things. My business is my livelihood. The point is: It should be MY decision!
2 years ago WCB legislated smoking rooms in bars. So I built one. A large room with excellent ventilation to the roof. Smokers had their own space; non-smokers had theirs. (Employees did not have to enter the room). No complaints. Everyone happy. Now that the smokers are forced outside, the non-smokers are complaining having to walk around them to enter or exit the building. I can't stop people from smoking on the street; it's not my property. So what do I have now? Now I have unhappy smokers and unhappy non-smokers. If the smoking room is set up properly, I see absolutely nothing wrong with providing one.
Anyhow, I've said my piece. I'll leave it at that, and we'll just agree to disagree.
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