Originally Posted by vazgor
i have been useing tap warter for a year now in edmonton with no real isues.
but a friend of mine had a beautiful reef going for over a year and suddenly everything just started dieing corals fish evrything and it turned out his refactomeeter was wonky and he was reading 1.023 but in accuality it was 1.001 now i dont know if had you perameters checked at the lfs but maby it something as simpel as a bad salinity tester.
most stores will test your water for you just my two cents  oh and if that is the case dont do what he did and changed his water to proper lvls over night and killed off the rest of his live stock 
Holy crap never thought about this. I'm using the 15 dollar tester from the LFS. If a 100$ tester can go bad, I can only imagine how far off my salinity really is.
rdnicolas [Edmonton]: 77 Gal (48x16x24), (3) Fluval 404's, (2) Korlis 2's, 100lbs LR, Coralife Pro 250, Deltec MCE600