Originally Posted by aussiefishy
i suggest as Untamed did, do not add any more chemicals and correct water parameters by using RODI water and high quality salts.
It is a very very rare occurance that your tank will be O2 depleted. again, i suspect NH3 spike (tank organics immaturity) - from abnormal water conditions.
i have never add ANY dechlorinator or cycle products to my tanks, and it is just fine.
My opinion is go slow, do NOT add any fish or inverts until you are SURE that water chemistry/organics are optimal. your LR CAN build up proper N cycles on their own.
The hair algae CAN be control by using Tangs/Rabbitfish/Physical removal/chemical control (PO4 resins). i don't suggest you boil you rock as this casue more damage to your tank ecosystem longer term.
Yeah, I have to admit I buy just about anything the LFS reccomends to use. The Cycle dosing weekly was carried over from when we had freshwater in the tank.
rdnicolas [Edmonton]: 77 Gal (48x16x24), (3) Fluval 404's, (2) Korlis 2's, 100lbs LR, Coralife Pro 250, Deltec MCE600