Originally Posted by montey
and myka i do not recall at any piont posting to you so i would appreciate it if you would mind you own business in the future with matters involving me thanks
This is a public forum, and I can post where I want. I thought you were out of line, so I defended the poster. I'm free to do that. You on the other hand don't seem to understand how sales work. A seller can decide to sell to whoever he wants to, or not at all. He can sell to the 43rd person in line if he wants to, and you had absolutely no idea whether you were first in line or not. Many people (myself included) choose to reply to ads via PM without posting on the actual thread. So, it's very possible that you weren't first in line anyway. You are also a new member to the forums having only made 15 posts. Many people will choose not to sell to someone who is brand new to the forums, and prefer to do transactions with someone who is "known" on the forums instead.
I for one will remember your name, and if you are ever interested in an item I have for sale, I will not sell to you whether you are 1st or 43rd in line. The way you have dealt with this leads me to believe that you may not be the type of person to have a smooth transaction with. I'm sure there are others reading this that think this exact same thing of you. I have made many, many transactions with people on this board. Sometimes people back out, and as long as I haven't driven 3 hours to go pick up the item, I'm really not too concerned.
I'm not sure if you noticed that you're arguing with one of CanReef's
staff members. I'm sure that he is full aware of the rules of the forum.