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Old 02-25-2003, 05:34 PM
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So???? Anyone going to comment on their fieldtrip to Washington?
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Old 02-25-2003, 06:03 PM
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'twas a fun trip. Mnt dew man and mushroom boy's tanks were awesome.. Mnt Dew man's was even more colourful than I could tell from photos.. Pretty amazing tank!

We Hit a LFS in Seattle called "Below Sea Level" They had a few nice sps pieces, but nothing too amazing..

The meeting was at a big store just outside Seattle. (can't remember the name for the life of me). I'd say there were 50-60 people, but I don't know, there may have been more.. Eric was very friendly and everyone got a chance to mingle with him before and after his talk. He a did a fantastic speach on reef couloration. It was nice to meet Kevinpo and some other reefer's I've known from RC..
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Old 02-25-2003, 07:18 PM
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The meeting was great. Eric spoke for about an hour or so about coral coloration in the wild and the protective response to UV light. It was an interesting talk and I got him to sign my book :P. The LFS the meeting was held at is called Blue Sierra and they have a great SW selection of fish and corals but the prices were about the same if not more (esp for frags) than here in Canada but in US dollars (same digits, different currency). They rented 100 chairs and it was standing room only. I figure between 110-120 people were there.

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Old 02-25-2003, 11:15 PM
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Eric seemed very nice, and I also got my book signed

I enjoyed his talk, as well as his own tank stories. Met a few people from the other boards - it was a great time. Wish we had had more time to see more stores and tanks down there, it was a long day from 5:30AM-3:00AM :shock:
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Old 02-26-2003, 12:30 AM
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ME too please- Yes! it was a really great trip

I was able to show off my tank for starters-that's always a great way to start the day!

Then off to Seattle, first stop was at Chuck's house, where his amazing acropora garden is just thriving with life. His tank looks like a slice right out of the sea. I think that he could have no problem charging an entrance fee for viewers In my next setup I will try to duplicate his wonderful reef :!:

After Chuck's house, on to Paul's house to see his reef. It is a great tank with some amazing rock formations. He also had a beautiful Rose Anenome which he sold prior to our arrival So add me to your list Paul , as Sam's list here is far to long.

The meeting was really great :!: Eric was super friendly and talked with everyone. His presentation on color of corals was very interesting.The Q & A period was also very informative and everyone was able to get in at least one :?: My book was also signed

I talked with Eric after as well as before the meeting and he really liked some of my pics, so he told me that he wants to use one in his next book- :shock: that would be really 8) You should have been there Sam, he would have be blown away by some of your beautiful images :!:

I also picked up a SCWD wavemaker from Blue Sierra which I took a few snaps of and started a post yesterday. I have to say a BIG THANKS! to Jonas(manager)) for not only having the meeting at his wonderful store, but also for taking lot's of time on an already hecktic day to bring me up to speed on wavemakers

It was a a really great day. Spending time with fellow reefers Christy, Deb, and Adam was also very enjoyable Another BIG THANKS to Christy for driving down :!: The only complaint I have, was there was just not enough time in the day to see and do all that was planned. Maybe we will have to plan an overnighter in the future

The four images are Chucks reef/Pauls reef/The meeting/me and da man

cheers, Rich

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Old 02-26-2003, 05:14 AM
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Groupie, groupie, :P :P :P

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Old 02-26-2003, 06:13 AM
MtnDewMan MtnDewMan is offline
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I came over here to see how you guys enjoyed the trip. I am very glad to see that you had a great time. Yes, definately over 90 people there I think ... A great turnout. Thanks again for coming down, it was great meeting you guys. And thanks for the very kind words about my tank ... I love the hobby and enjoy having people visit and see my tank and setup.
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Old 02-26-2003, 08:50 AM
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Nice to see your post here Chuck. Does anyone have Paul's tank specs? I couldn't find it on And which Paul is that? There's 2 Paul's.
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Old 02-26-2003, 02:21 PM
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G Deb if I didn't know any better I would say your blushing in that shot -maybe you could send me a snap for my reef album

Hey Sam, sorry i can't help you with the specs as I was too busy drooling to ask many ?'s and our visit with Chuck was kinda short and sweet.

That's Paul Merkling by the way.

Sam do you think I could come by some time soon and check out the tank, and your beautiful Rose Anenome

cheers, Rich
cheers, Rich

all that we do is touched with ocean,
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Old 02-27-2003, 12:09 AM
MtnDewMan MtnDewMan is offline
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Paul's tank is a 100 gallon acrylic tank lit by two 10000k MHs with VHO actinic and 50/50 supplementation. He has a 50 gallon sump I believe.

Yes, he does have some cool aquascaping going on in that tank.
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