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Old 12-16-2007, 01:02 AM
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Default multiple clown pairs of same species???

so everyone says dont have different clowns in the same tank, and many say dont buy odd numbers of same species, but what about having even multiples?

i have seen pictures of multiple pairs of ocellaris or perculas hosting in large anenomes in the wild but wonder how that dynamic would work in captivity.

so, share with me your thoughts on having an anenome tank with say 6 ocellaris clowns, each clown having more than its fair choice of anenomes to choose from.
how many times does it take starting from scratch to make your dream a reality?

Starting new setup as of Oct/16
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Old 12-16-2007, 01:45 AM
rigger11 rigger11 is offline
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i have 4 clowns and 6 anenomes and 1 clown is still forced to host the powerhead...
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:31 PM
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I have 2 true percs (orange) and 2 ORA black true percs.

One of the black ones is the dominate one overall (Black1), so it's the biggest.

Orange1 is ok with him.

Orange2 got bullied by Black2 for a few months.

Now Black2 gets bulled by Orange2! (paybacks a *****!)

Yesterday I came home and orange 2 found it's way over my siphon overflow into the overflow box. When i looked in the tank, Black1 and Black2 were BOTH chasing Orange1.

When I fished out Orange2 from the overflow, they split off Black1 chasing Orange1, Black2 chasing Orange2.

They either just case each other around, play tag around my acros, or they get really mean and one bullies the other for a while. When one is being the bully, it bullies the other one during food too, not allowing the bullied one to get food!

It's like freakin Days of our Lives with these clown fish! Everyday it's different drama... :P

Oh, and I have one RBTA, and only the black ones host in it. The orange ones host sometimes in the frogspawn, or in the candycane. Black1 is Very protective of the RBTA, it whips water at me with it's tail whenever my hand is near it.
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!

2016/2017 180Gallon Build Coming Soon...
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Old 01-04-2008, 09:16 PM
Big Al's BC Big Al's BC is offline
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Although generally the rule is to only house one pair of clowns per aquarium, it is largely dependent on the size of the aquarium and the number of host anemones available. Obviously certain species of Clown fish are more aggressive then others causing incompatibility.
We have a customer currently keeping A.chrysopterus, A.melanopus and A.perideraion in the same aquarium. This is largely successful because the aquarium measures 12' x 4' in footprint. There are many anemones present and all the clown fish have been together for 2 years. The chrysopterus and melanopus are in pairs and the perideraion are in a group. Interestingly, the melanopus and perideraion alternate between anemones day versus night.
Hopefully this is helpful.

Big Al's BC
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