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Old 12-23-2007, 10:35 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Smile Cube for Angels

I would suggest a long tank for angels. Cubes are nice but I think you would have an easier time with a long tank, both in ease of maintainance and overall fish success..happy holidays
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Old 12-23-2007, 10:55 PM
asherah asherah is offline
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well if angels won't be happy in a cube than i guess i'll get some other fish for it I want the fish to be happy

can anyone recommend a good skimmer ? This is the one I was thinking of getting along with my tank and sump

so Ill need more than 80 pounds of sand ? about 160 pounds ?
30 gallon fowlr
1 ocellaris
1 orange spot watchman goby
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Old 12-24-2007, 12:02 AM
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get a ATI BM 250 its an awesome skimmer for the price. I have one and love it lots, pulls amazing crap out of my tank.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 12-24-2007, 12:46 AM
asherah asherah is offline
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kewl thanks =)
30 gallon fowlr
1 ocellaris
1 orange spot watchman goby
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Old 12-24-2007, 12:52 AM
asherah asherah is offline
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$829.00 CDN !!!! yikes!
30 gallon fowlr
1 ocellaris
1 orange spot watchman goby
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Old 12-24-2007, 01:07 AM
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ya but its worth it I have owned many types of skimmer from Eiro reef's to Becketts and Imo Becketts are good for FOWlr and Euro reefs and BM are good for mixed and SPS systems, they really pull a lot of crap out ,but they pull it out slowly. Becketts yank the crap out.

Im doing a Cube once I get back from Afghanistan in Aug probably do a
30 x30 x 24. with a exteranl over flow too
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 12-24-2007, 06:31 AM
vessey vessey is offline
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here is a program for calculating how much sand you need

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Old 12-24-2007, 07:38 AM
asherah asherah is offline
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i'm on a mac =p

30 gallon fowlr
1 ocellaris
1 orange spot watchman goby
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Old 12-24-2007, 04:37 PM
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As far as skimmers go...SPEND THE MONEY!!! Go with Euro-Reef as minimum (you'd need the RS180)...ATI if you're feeling rich.

If you want Angels then obviously you aren't planning a reef setup. So I am confused as to why people would be suggesting you get a MH setup. Your choice of hanging some T5s over top wouldn't be the best idea because they come in 24" or 36". Power Compact fixtures come in 30". If I were you I would buy 2 dual (double bulbs) 30" fixtures, so you can place one towards the back of the tank, and one towards the front of the tank. They will penetrate 30" just fine for just fish. So I just saved you a bunch of money here to upgrade your skimmer.

Now if you ever thought of upgrading to a reef, you could maybe pull off a 250W HQI MH (mogul would never cut it), but you'd have to have good water clarity. Numerous T5s would also work with optimal water clarity. If you're just learning then I would suggest a 400W MH as they will easily penetrate the 30" depth.

There is NO WAY in heck you're gonna fit 130 lbs of live rock in that cube and have room for the fish to swim. With a FOWLR I don't see the need to put more than 70-80 lbs in there. So that just saved you more money to upgrade your skimmer!

BUT, I'd go with a traditionally shaped tank. Larger fish will be MUCH happier. With the cube you will be limited not by the gallons of your tank, but by the length of your tank. You would need to pick fish that are happy with a 30" tank, which means you're not gonna be able to put anything in there that gets bigger than about 4", OR anything that is a very active swimmer. That's a whole lotta little fishies in that big tank. PLUS, that cube is gonna look tiny compared to a 4' or 6' version.

I would suggest a 120 with measurements of 48" x 24" x 24". Then enjoy your Angels (not the huge species though). Or a 180 72x24x24...then you can get the biiiiig Angels!
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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Old 12-24-2007, 06:34 PM
asherah asherah is offline
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Well I think I would rather hae a reef =p So I'll go with the metal halides

80 pounds of rock
180 gallon Tank--3/4. Price: $1525.00 - EURO-BRACED somewhere better to get it ?
sump with refugium $399
AquaC EV-180 Protein Skimmer With Mag-Drive 7 Pump
Lumen max II 250 watt pendant - $150 or 400watts
-10,000K 250watt HQI Halide Bulb - Ushio - $86
-Ice Cap 250W Electronic Metal Halide Ballast - $158.95
-Two Little Fishies Red Mangrove Pods
koralia 4 - $48 More ?
Fiji Live Rock - $381 80 pounds
Tropic Isle Tahitian Moon Sand - 8 - 20 lbs $112
plumbing - $100
30 gallon fowlr
1 ocellaris
1 orange spot watchman goby
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