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Old 10-15-2007, 09:33 PM
Paradisius Paradisius is offline
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Default Migoto Ryoushi

Actually, this is the name of my first Black Volitan Lionfish. Translates to "Beautfiful Hunter." Found this thread and though I would submit my thoughts:

In all the years I have been in the hobby, never bought one. Seen another beautiful Volitan Lionfish and thought, geesh maybe its time to try one.

1. What were the things you liked about this fish:
He's stunning and graceful. Since a child, I've been mesmerized.
2. Was it easy to keep?
Only had him for a month, and a day when the water turned brown we panicked, yet he still thrives. Water is back to prestine!
3. What foods did you have success feeding?
This one is tricky. Migoto eats only the "live" smaller fish. In the beginning, it was easy pickings, now he's gotta work at it. The one's left are pretty good at out smarting the fella. Have tried fresh jumbo prawns, but no luck.
4. Did you feed live foods?
Would like to "ween" it to eat mysis shrimp, and silversides, buit not sure how to approach the method of this. They are hard-wired for hunting smaller fish. So, we wait until all the smaller fish are consumed to decide the next step.
5. Did it hide during day, hide in rock till night?
He kinda hides during the day. But when the tank was familiar to him before moving things around, he pretty much floated along during the day. Spends mosy of his time upside-down against the back corner... wierd but kewl. Can't wait to see the "puppy" affect. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
6.What tank mates did they eat?
Day one, tried to eat a clownfish, failed. Have a pic of that! Funny too, 'cause the little clown escaped just as they mouth re-opened to swallow it. Other than that, Migoto enjoys damsels of assorted varieties minus one: Yellow-tail.
7. How fast did yours grow?
Hasn't grown that much, considering it's only a month. He's at at least 6 - 8 inches already. Rumoured to grow to 15... good thing I have a 90.
8. What do you think the negatives of this fish are/were?
Hmmm, the only negatives I can mustre would be the lack of knowledge out there on how to wean them. But for the sheer beauty, I don't mind smacking down good cash on real fish he enjoys... Although, poisonus, just being respectful to them is utmost important. I clean the tank daily, yes arms in, and I watch where he is. If on the left, I clean the right. I also don't move my hands quickly in the tank to alert him to a deffensive status. In time, like all the the other fish over the years... he'll get used to the daily cleaning as part of his daily routine. LOL, KING of the tank. Bow down to none. He does enjoy the company of a juvenile harlequin sweetlips in tight confines. Wierd but true.

Anyone with solid help to weening the diet from daily "snacks" would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 10-27-2007, 04:41 PM
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in case you're still wondering how to wean a lion, here ya go. imo, read the whole thing as it offers great info on lions, but the actual weaning part is about two thirds of the way down in the "nutrition" section.
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Old 11-26-2007, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by justinl View Post
in case you're still wondering how to wean a lion, here ya go. imo, read the whole thing as it offers great info on lions, but the actual weaning part is about two thirds of the way down in the "nutrition" section.

Hey Justin,

Thanks for the awesome article find on this. Good find!

So far, I'm loving having my Volitan Lionfish. Its one of the most interesting fish I have ever had and most venomous. LOL My fiancé freaked when I brought it home. I assured him he would be find as long as kept his fingers out of the tank. hehe

Otherwise, the fish has been a neat addition to my tank. It's housed with two puffers, a Picasso trigger, fox face and a vibrant tomato clown. All is well. My lionfish will eat himself to death if given the chance, so I have to watch when feeding. Not afraid of anything (other fish) even though they are bigger then him. But WARNING, lionfish grow FAST! I can't believe how fast too!

Also what I love about the lionfish is this fish is like having a cool shrimp with big fans/fins, perking on your rock, upside down at times and always starts conversation with people when they look in the tank, if the puffers won't stop dancing at the glass that is.

If you have the right setup, I would definitely recommend getting one of these fascinating fish one day.
~ LeeWorld ~

"Not using a quarantine tank is like playing Russian roulette. Nobody wins the game, some people just get to play longer than others." - Anthony Calfo

Last edited by bulletsworld; 11-27-2007 at 05:34 AM. Reason: Opps..atrocious typo/spelling errors
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Old 11-26-2007, 04:39 AM
i2ik i2ik is offline
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I have a question concerning this fish, sorry for posting in this thread since i have no experience with lionfish but i would like to know:

Is it possible to keep a lionfish that is used to eat frozen food in a reef tank with smaller fish than him?
420G Front Starfire Glass Reef Tank, 150G Costum made Sump, Sifligoi 3x400W + ACLS Unit, 2xH&S A200-2x1260, Schuran Jetstream 2 Ca reactor, 4xVortech pump, 3xBattery Back Up, 4xWavy Sea+, Prolifux Wireless Controlleur, Oceans Motions 4 Ways, Seachem Pinnacle 200GPD RO/Di
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Old 11-26-2007, 04:51 AM
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yeah when it comes to lions, that one article answers most of the questions that pop up. actually Dr. Marini (the author) actually posts regularly over on RC.

i2ik, no. hunting small fish is instinct for them and they do not forget that easily. for example, when i had my lion i fed it frozens exclusively. When i recently let it go, i gave it a going away present: a damsel. that poor lil damsel was in the tank less than five minutes before the lion got it. It was really cool though to see the hunting behaviour of the lion almost exactly how Dr. marini described in his article. a really fascinating display that i had obviously never seen before while the lion ate frozens.
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Old 11-26-2007, 05:13 AM
i2ik i2ik is offline
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Thanks Justin,

that is just way too bad, i wish i could put one in my reef tank. I am pretty sure it must be very interesting seeing a fish hunting, considering that a damsel is quite a fast swimmer!
420G Front Starfire Glass Reef Tank, 150G Costum made Sump, Sifligoi 3x400W + ACLS Unit, 2xH&S A200-2x1260, Schuran Jetstream 2 Ca reactor, 4xVortech pump, 3xBattery Back Up, 4xWavy Sea+, Prolifux Wireless Controlleur, Oceans Motions 4 Ways, Seachem Pinnacle 200GPD RO/Di
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Old 11-26-2007, 11:20 PM
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I have had my lion for a month now. He sure knows when I am in the room. Comes right out hoping to eat. I have him on strick frozen. But he also likes to eat nori. kinda weird but wont stop him from eating it. Once it has been on the clip long enough and starts to float round. He hunts it down.
I did not think that he would develop such a personality. If i have no food he shuns me. goes upside down in his cave with his back too me.
I like the idea of using eggcrate to keep tabs on him while working on the tank. Going to start doing that. I find that he plays well with others, but is not intimidated by anything.
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Old 11-27-2007, 05:30 AM
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yes, I agree the Lionfish doesn't forget his hunting. I have a small lionfish that eyes my little Picasso Trigger fish all the time. I have to keep a close eye on him. If it wasn't a trigger, I wouldn't have put the two together. If the lionfish keeps growing how he is, then I would definitely have to remove the small trigger fish.

Although I do have 2 convict damsels in my tank with this lionfish, he is again to small to eat them. When the lionfish grows a bit more, the damsels will be gone.

Do to the nature of a reef, having inverts, I would predict the lionfish would clean house.
~ LeeWorld ~

"Not using a quarantine tank is like playing Russian roulette. Nobody wins the game, some people just get to play longer than others." - Anthony Calfo
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