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Old 11-08-2007, 08:02 PM
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I am a BC lawyer.
Have her phone the Canadian Bar Association
Lawyer Referral Service in the city where she lives and ask for a lawyer who deals in Condo's or Strata's whatever they are called in Alberta.
There is a $30 ish 1/2 hour fee.
Wayne Ryan
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Old 11-08-2007, 08:38 PM
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Thank you guys so much!
This and that.
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Old 11-08-2007, 09:34 PM
IceTurf IceTurf is offline
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gl and "may the force be with you"
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Old 11-08-2007, 11:27 PM
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City by-laws cover public areas such as the hallways and party rooms,weightrooms etc.Not the private area of the home itself.
If she owns the condo,the condo society can't legally dictate what she does in her own property.I had a friend in the same situation,who hired a lawyer and that was the result.But that doesn't mean they wont make life difficult.
If she is renting,and the lease says no pets,then she would need to get rid of the cat or move.But as far as the fine is concerned,they don't have the authority to issue a fine.They can say "We are fining you,you have to pay"but its only lip service unless backed by a officer of the court (law).In this case she should hire a lawyer to clear it up,because the company may send the fine to collections,ruining her credit even though they have no legal right the payment.
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Old 11-08-2007, 11:40 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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I don't want to sound cold-hearted, but IMO the best way to help people is not to help people at all. When we "bail people out" they don't learn from their mistake and just screw up again.

Friends of mine rented their condo to a girl and had a no-pet clause. She got a cat and left it unattended in the condo for a week. The cost for new carpets etc. was in the thousands, she flew back to Hong Kong and didn't pay. I realize this is a different situation but I think people are responsible for their actions and need to be held accountable.
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Old 11-08-2007, 11:50 PM
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But she isn't renting. She is the owner of the condo. Totally different type of situtaiton.

However, on another note I do agree with you had the situation been different, and she had been renting, etc.
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Old 11-09-2007, 12:02 AM
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Man alive, the crap I hear from condo associations, makes me wonder why anyone would live in one. My sister-in-law lives in a Pointe of View condo with a condo association run by .. I don't know how to else to describe it ... insane people. Apparently, after 2, maybe 3 years after the building was built, they've decided that the whole complex needs to be re-stucco'd and they're trying to extort I guess about $6000 out of each resident or they will "foreclose". How can they foreclose??? They can't, but to even make the threat is just plain absurd.

Down in the parkade where the storage rooms are, I guess her neighbour's storage room got broken into, and the resident couldn't care less to get her door fixed. So of course my sister-in-law feels exposed because there's only a flimsy chain link fence separating the rooms and the neighbour couldn't be bothered to get the door lock fixed. What can you do?? Man, I couldn't live like that. And all it takes is for one smoker to drop a butt in bed and who knows what happens, or a toilet overhead to overflow .... nooooo thank you. Tease me all you like about suburbia and white picket fences, no worries. I feel so bad for people just starting off on their own these days what with the real estate prices being so ridiculous and the rentals being even worse...

Albert, I have no idea what to suggest, best of luck to your friend. I'm sure this can be fought, but I imagine it will be a very unfun ordeal.
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Old 11-09-2007, 01:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I feel so bad for people just starting off on their own these days what with the real estate prices being so ridiculous and the rentals being even worse...

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Old 11-09-2007, 01:11 AM
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The last condo I owned, they had a rule that if you kept a dog over 30 pounds, you would receive a $10/per month fine. So one guy had a huge dog, and has been paying the 10 bucks a month for years. Nothing else said about it. so not all strata corps are insane, but I've also heard really bad stories.
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Old 11-09-2007, 01:33 AM
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Since she really needs to get someone to take this cat quickly, she should try to contact a no kill or cat rescue. Keep in mind that many of these are so full it could take a few days for them to help out

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