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Old 06-25-2007, 03:06 PM
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Default Stocking suggestions

I'd like some suggestions on livestock for my setup. Here's the details:

- 65 gallon tank
- 80lbs live rock
- seio 1100 powerhead
- eheim 2217 cannister (single sponge inside, cleaned monthly)
- prism pro skimmer (bubbles turned off, just cycles water through carbon bag)
- 1 x crappy 22w light
- 3 x juvenile clown fish
- 1 x chocolate chip star fish
- I've managed to maintain excellent water quality without skimmer running (very small bio load)
- Tank has been up and running for 6 months

What I'm looking for:
- will get along with current livestock (and hopefully not interfere with possible breeding of the clowns)
- not a picky eater (must be able to survive on a daily dose of marine food)
- hopefully colourful and interesting

- would a cleaner shrimp be a good addition? my starfish eats most of the brown algae in the tank but the shrimp is pretty small - i assume there would be enough scraps left (if they even eat algae - not sure).
- would a cowfish be a good addition? I've read they're picky eaters and you need hard shelled food to trim their teeth

Any suggestions/comments greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Old 06-25-2007, 03:30 PM
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IMO a cowfish is not suitable to a 65g aquarium, they get too large (and messy)... but are darn cute! Cleaner shrimp are a nice addition...and will clean up scraps as well as feed right from you....If your tank has eggcrate or a top then one of the reef safe wrasses is always fun...lots of color and movement....are you planning to upgrade your light to have corals at all? What about the skimmer? Are you planning an upgrade on that at all?
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Old 06-25-2007, 03:31 PM
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Are you hoping to do a fish only? A reef? SPS dominated, LPS, mixed?

From what you've posted, I would suggest a combination of the following:
- a dwarf angel for color
- if you have a lid, firefish
- chromis are nice, cheap, and they often school. This in turn seems to keep other more skittish fish out in the open more often.
- a blenny, FYI its noted that some may nip clam mantles
- jawfish, again a lid is highly recommended
- some butterflies, one from another reefer is often a good choice, but they aren't the hartiest of fishes. They are a bigger fish though, so its kind of an ify suggestion.
- gobies are pretty cool fish with tons of personality.
- cardinals
- wrasses, although I would suggest a sixline

I'm sorry I can't really comment on a cowfish, I've never kept one. However, I can comment on cleaning shrimp. They are an awesome addition, they scavage for food on the bottom, help keep your fish clean, and are generally pretty cool to watch. I've had both the skunk and the fire/blood shrimp variety. Both I have found to be hardy, will readily lay eggs if you have a pair, and are just plain cool!

If you have library access, or have a LFS which has books, you may want to try flipping through Scott W. Michael's Marine Fish book for a quick overview of fish that may work for you.
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Old 06-25-2007, 04:48 PM
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Thanks for the feedback - it offers me some great ideas. I think i'll get a pair of cleaner shrimp - haven't decided on the fish yet.

To answer the setup questions I don't plan on any additions to this tank. When I upgrade I think i'll get a larger tank with a proper setup (lighting, sump, skimmer, etc). I'll keep this one as FOWLR.

Anyone have starfish recommendations? Can/should I add another? What kinds will work in my setup? Will there be enough algae to support extra starfish?
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Old 06-25-2007, 05:27 PM
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I second the Wrasse Idea. They are always very colourful and swim.
As for a second star. I would avoid them, other than Serpant, CC, and brittle there is little known of the food source for the Marble and Linckia so they tend to stave to death in captivity.

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Old 06-25-2007, 05:40 PM
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+1 for the wrasse. awesome fish. look around at some of the flasher wrasses. they are gorgeous.

I do not advise more than one star in you tank. they are finicky at best.
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Old 06-25-2007, 08:22 PM
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If you are going to get the cleaner shrimp, that would confine you choices to reef-safe fish only. Some really cool predatory fish, most notably smaller triggers, would make very expensive snacks of the shrimp.
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Old 06-25-2007, 08:59 PM
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+1 with franklin but keep in mind that triggers and many other predatory fish wont even fit in a 65gal tank. research tank sizes first.
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Old 06-26-2007, 02:23 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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A pair of Bangaii Cardinals, straight up.

These Pokemon-looking fish are among my favorites! Docile and fun to look at.
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Old 07-22-2007, 06:40 AM
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-gobys(sandsifting!) a couple chromis and a blenny...
33g fowlr / 20g sump / 400 watt pendant / Euro-Reef RC80~~~~lavendar tang, lemon butterfly, snowflake eel, hawaiian spotted puffer, tomato clown, chomis..

My reef~
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