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Old 04-26-2007, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by kwirky View Post

When I first got my mag 700 I wanted to see how fast it was but I didn't have my tank ready yet. I did it in the bathroom sink. That was a mess
LMAO nice....
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Old 04-26-2007, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I don't run a beckett skimmer without a collection cup anymore (because once it's full it stops letting the skimmer produce foam). And if no collection cup I run the skimmer in the sump, so if it overflows it overflows into the tank. Things you learn the hard way!
I assume you mean the collection cup lid?

I left a frag on the center brace on my tank for a couple days while rearanging.....didn't turn out to well

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Old 04-26-2007, 08:40 PM
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Nope, I mean the waste collector. I keep calling it the collection cup but I mean the thing the collection cup drains into, that has a ping-pong ball that closes the air exhaust when it fills, which basically shuts off the skimmer.

Best darn thing I ever bought! I can't believe I ran a beckett for like 2-3 years without one, now that I know how awesome they are, I feel like a shmuck for not getting one sooner!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 04-26-2007, 08:44 PM
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haha, these are all great, guys. many laughs. and...makes me feel better about my own lapses in judgement

keep 'em coming!

10G Nano * 10G Sump * Deltec MCE 600 Skimmer * JBL Viper 150w MH * Zeovit * Vortech MP40W

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Old 04-26-2007, 09:00 PM
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1. Had 110g sump built and I placed it in my basement. Needed to install the pipes from the tank on the main floor down to my basement. Suddenly I found myself standing in my living room, brand new saw in hand, and three massive holes in the new hard wood floor and none of them were any good. Cut three times, measure once.

2. Had a beautiful Tasseled Filefish which was my favorite fish by far, although it tended to hang out near the bottem of the tank. Decided to move some rock around without using gloves. I was lifting one of my larger rocks, something stung me, I decided to then dropped the rock on my BB tank. Curiously I didn't hear the crack sound of rock hitting glass. It was a sad day for leafy...

3. FW 50g tank and the heater was acting funny. The seal between the plastic top and the glass body was loose. So I duct taped it. Decided it would be okay for the weekend. Water was solid green Monday morning, 36 dead fish, half of them on the floor thanks to our cat, the stench was so bad my wife went to her parents place for 2 days. Temperature on the tank was 38 degC. Took 2 years off before I started my next tank.


Last edited by Duffer2; 04-26-2007 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 04-26-2007, 10:02 PM
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- I decided my handy-man skills were up to installing my RO/DI... I didn't plan on how tricky that was with 90psi household pressure. Things got a bit wet once or twice.

- I decided to use a long screwdrive to dislodge a snail from an external durso (don't ask me how it got in there). No problem there, but apparently you can't put as much torque on a bulkhead as you'd think (I didn't think I put any). Crack-splash.

- I thought I could outsmart firefishes with egg-crate. Ha. I no longer keep firefish.
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Old 04-27-2007, 12:00 AM
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First time I added a sump,I filled the sump to the top.Then shut off the main pump. that was good for about 5g on the living room carpet.

I hooked my RODI up to the fauset,turned both taps on full,then went to work.The fitting came apart and flooded the whole place.There was only about 10g of RODI water in my container.Good thing I don't pay for water
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Old 04-27-2007, 12:05 AM
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Well just a few weeks ago I was doing FW water changes and went up stairs the use the can, got busy with something else and ran downstairs to have to run back upstairs to shut off the water so it would stop overflowing the 75G

and last week I got chatting about the new windows with my wife and the can I use for top up water had fallen over and put 30 or so Gallons onto the floor.

Good thing it was the basement tanks!!

I have officially learned a lesson
to many tanks, enough time for half

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Old 04-27-2007, 12:52 AM
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Oh the things that I have done. It's actually probably a miracle that I am still alive.
Had a filstar canister filter on my old 75g. and decided to do a water change and general cleaning right after I had my Sunday morning cup of Java. Still in my PJ's and bare feet I niftily completed the water change - cleaned the filter and replaced media - closed it back up - went and grabbed my cup of coffee - and fired it all back up. Did you know that if you don't check those retarded canister filters carefully to make sure that the large O ring is in place it can spray an amazing amount of salt water out onto the floor in an amazingly short period of time - we're talking seconds here? Did you also know that salt water is an excellent conductor of electricity? Things I now know - I can levitate - with a full cup of coffee - and scream a high pitched squeel just like a little girl.

Oh and another one - I was retrieving a coral in my 230g that had fallen to the very bottom in the middle under the center brace. This requires that I stand on a chair and to actually reach the coral I had to turn my body sideways to get the most possible reach. As I was making a quick stab for the coral my long spined urchin appeared out of no where and I rammed one spine right under my middle finger nail and about 3 others in various digets. Like any sane person I immediately removed my hand from the source of the pain very quickly at the same time taking a large step backwards........into thin air.

I could go on but you probably get the picture........some things are just better forgotten.
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Old 04-27-2007, 01:12 AM
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woke up one morning at about 4 am and decided for some reason to do a water change. Just after i finished adding the replacement water i realized it was from the wrong buckett. 5g of fresh water makes a big difference in salinity when added to a 30 g tank. spent the next hour adding salt to the tank untill proper salinity was reached.
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