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Old 04-08-2007, 03:55 AM
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Unhappy Oceanic biocube 14...heating issues

Just bought this little 14g oceanic biocube and already I am having heating issues due to the heat coming off the lights. None of my freshwater tanks are warm, just the biocube. We live in a basement suite and it is not a warm one either.

I don't know what to do. I was hoping to have corals in there some day and now what? I can't because I won't be able to turn on the lights enough for them to live, and everything will die of heat? Is this normal for this thing??

Should I just take it back? There was a heater in it, but I took it out after I noticed this problem.

~very frusterated I was so looking forward to starting this reefing thing...
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Old 04-08-2007, 04:37 AM
digitalsteve digitalsteve is offline
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do a few seaches for mods to the lid, a lot of people add fans to keepss theirs cooler

do not despair .. there are easy fixes for this problem
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Old 04-08-2007, 04:37 AM
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Tell us about your set up. Have you modifyied the biocube at all or is it the standard modle with the moulded black plastic lid? When you say you have heat issues, what temperatures are you reading with you lights on?
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Old 04-08-2007, 11:56 PM
crusty1 crusty1 is offline
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I just set up one earlier this week with a 100W titanium heater. All is fine right now. It holds 79 deg. The fans remain off when the actinics are on, but when the mainlights turn on so do the fans. Does yours do the same?
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Old 04-09-2007, 02:35 AM
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Yes, the fans go on when the 10k bulb is on and off with the actinics. There are no mods to anything on the tank. It is same as it was in the box. I have a seio pump running on it for flow, other than that, nada for mechanical devices. It is not by a heater outlet or any other hot appliances. I have 3 other tanks (fresh water) in my room, and they do not have heating issues, and do require heaters to keep that at correct temp. (From as small as a 2.5 gallon to as large as a 100g). The nano is running at 80-86 when lights are on (I have started turning them off because I am worried it will climb to greater temperature). At night it goes down to 78 or 80.

Do the pumps in these things cause heat? Would anything else cause heat? Are there water issues that can cause heat????

PS: Bought this set-up at Gold's--Hey Albert any suggestions??? I wanted to put corals in there someday...

And by the way: why is my purple coralline algae dying?? I am keeping up with lots of water changes. It mostly is dying where the light hits it and that makes no sense to me. Can you give me a clue?

~~~ugh I feel like my dream is dying please, need lots and lots of advice here.

Last edited by sharuq1; 04-09-2007 at 02:46 AM. Reason: noob
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Old 04-09-2007, 12:10 PM
crusty1 crusty1 is offline
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I would say the seio would be your largest heat source. Do you think you need it?
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:09 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by sharuq1 View Post
Yes, the fans go on when the 10k bulb is on and off with the actinics. There are no mods to anything on the tank. It is same as it was in the box. I have a seio pump running on it for flow, other than that, nada for mechanical devices. It is not by a heater outlet or any other hot appliances. I have 3 other tanks (fresh water) in my room, and they do not have heating issues, and do require heaters to keep that at correct temp. (From as small as a 2.5 gallon to as large as a 100g). The nano is running at 80-86 when lights are on (I have started turning them off because I am worried it will climb to greater temperature). At night it goes down to 78 or 80.

Do the pumps in these things cause heat? Would anything else cause heat? Are there water issues that can cause heat????

PS: Bought this set-up at Gold's--Hey Albert any suggestions??? I wanted to put corals in there someday...

And by the way: why is my purple coralline algae dying?? I am keeping up with lots of water changes. It mostly is dying where the light hits it and that makes no sense to me. Can you give me a clue?

~~~ugh I feel like my dream is dying please, need lots and lots of advice here.

I wouldn't be too concerned about the coraline. You won't get a good seed on coraline for at least two months after your cycling has finished IME.

FYI, the nano at the store hits 86 degrees on some days. I'd be concerned if it climed any further, but I haven't had any problems thusfar.

Lastly, the SEIO is the last thing I'd dump. More flow = less work One thing you could try is to just run a room fan against the tank.
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Old 05-09-2007, 07:30 PM
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Just an update. Switched the actinic and the 10 so fans are running the whole time any lighting is on. It is staying in the 80-86 degree range. Nothing dead yet, so that's a plus. Thanks for the advice!
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Old 05-09-2007, 07:34 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Glad to hear!
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Old 12-15-2007, 12:40 AM
TeknoPunk TeknoPunk is offline
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Mine warms up fast too. I just keep the "feeding lid" open and it stays at a steady 80.
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