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Old 02-23-2007, 01:55 PM
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Glad to hear you're hanging in there Deb

In the four years we've lived in our condo, we've pretty much had three tanks of various sizes going. Last summer, when we decided we were spending too much time on them, we downsized to only one tank. It was a hard decision to make, but we're happier with just the one. Husband helps significantly every Saturday morning during tank maintenance. I couldn't do the job without him.

Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Bev: Sounds like you've got a diatom issue (the brown slime). Good luck! If you're rearranging (removing and replacing) rock that often, is it possible you've given your wrasse a bump or a bruise? It'll probably forgive you soon.

Googled diatoms and had a look as some pics. Diatoms look darker than what I have, though maybe I just have the early stages of it. My stuff is a yellow ochre colour rather than brown, and it's located in lower flow areas. It wipes off pretty easy too, especially if the rock is out of the tank. This is also a well established tank, with rock from tanks we've had for as long as three years. Will have a look at our RODI system to see if any filters need changing.

Hmm... Wonder if the wrasse did get bruised during valonia removal? However, his behaviour started after we took down the right side of the tank - the side he still inhabits with ease. I imagine, though, that if he were injured, he wouldn't be swimming all that well. Will keep a close eye on him for awhile.

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Old 02-23-2007, 02:06 PM
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Hey Deb,
I think most of us long timers have been there, although I know thats no help for your tanks. Sometimes it just makes one want to bang their head on a wall. But we keep going, I guess because its such an enjoyable hobby when alls well, esp. for those of us that love pets/friends, which I know you do.

Passing on the flatworm fight may be fine for now, as they can be siphoned during water changes, increased current and getting them to that honkin skimmer you run. I would not, IMO, pass on getting after the aiptasia. Once they become plague like, its almost impossible to rid them.

Many use the peppermint shrimps and kalk the larger ones that you can reach. I had great success with my copperband but as most fish they can be 50/50 on their desire to eat them. We had good luck adding a small copperband to an established 180 with some larger fish, that would not allow the introduction of a medium sized copperband.
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Old 02-23-2007, 04:53 PM
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The past 8 months have been hell for my tank as well.. a mysterious die off of my sps. Not even RTN, just a fast colour loss and then eventual death. Luckily all my caps have recovered, almost to pre-die off stage. I had a huge algae problem I finaly got under control with my Rabbitfish.. god I love him .... now I have the small valonia.. which I grabbed some Emerald crabs for.. I tried them out in a small tank with a huge chunk of valonia and they went crazy for it, so I hope they work ... Otherwise, things are finally starting to get back to normal.

With going to school full time and work, its been tough to keep the tank maintenance, I basicly set a timer for 1 hr and just power through water changes etc..

Good luck

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Old 02-25-2007, 03:47 PM
Jim Barry Jim Barry is offline
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I know your heartache......we have shared our frustrations over the years, but somehow we keep going. I think somewhere deep inside... we all want to have a tank like Snappy's... that is why we keep going.

I have finally found the secret (I hope). After 5 months on ZeoVit, my tank has never looked better. bright colors on my SPS, no hair algae, excellent polyp extension and fantastic water clarity.

Before you throw in the towel....... try Zeovit... you will be sooo glad that you did !!

Deb ....come on over and see my tank !!
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Old 02-25-2007, 04:22 PM
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BUt Zeo costs lots of money thou
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
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Old 02-25-2007, 04:36 PM
Jim Barry Jim Barry is offline
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Zeovit cost is quite high in the initial startup. Once it is established, the cost is considerably less. Currently It is costing me about $50.00 per month.

It is the best $50.00 a month I can spend..... My corals are healthy and growing like crazy and my death rate is practically zero.

I was losing corals before due to water conditions, so for me it has been a great investment.

ZeoVit may not be for everyone......but if you are frustrated and having trouble with your tank, it could be the best money you spend.....

Trust me.... I have thrown a lot of money at this hobby.

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Old 02-25-2007, 04:38 PM
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Sorry to hijack your thread !!!
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Old 02-26-2007, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim Barry View Post
I know your heartache......we have shared our frustrations over the years, but somehow we keep going. I think somewhere deep inside... we all want to have a tank like Snappy's... that is why we keep going.

Thank you for your very kind & generous remarks.

Deb as I mentioned before in this thread if I can be of help in any way please let me know. I am with Jim on the zeovit, or at least the bacteria and amino acids concept. I am personally using the Polyp-Labs "Reef-Fresh" program with positive results, which includes their online support. It give a similar result like the zeovit but doesn't deplete the potassium which is absorbed into the zeolite minerals. The monthly cost is about the same except no reactor needed so a smaller start up. Whichever one of the programs of this nature you go with it will make a positive impact on your system's health. My adding in a large refugium also really helped my algae issues.
Good luck and all the best,


Last edited by Snappy; 02-26-2007 at 01:25 PM.
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Old 02-26-2007, 12:51 AM
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Zeovit doesn't absorb potassium. That's a myth that surrounds the whole zeolith process. Just to clarify, at super low nutrient levels, elements like potassium and other trace products become very important.
This and that.
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Old 02-26-2007, 06:56 AM
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Just to get this back on track a bit, I am not having any real problems with the SPS tank. Just a few flatworms and aiptasias....So I don't have any real need for Zeowhatever at the moment...

It's the FOWLR that is in the most trouble. The pump still couldn't be installed this weekend but we got some good advice and should be on track for Wednesday.
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