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Old 02-07-2007, 10:20 PM
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Default Snail Problem

I am currently having a snail problem. So here's the story.

I have a variety of snails in my tank Nassairus, Trochus, Turbo and Cerith.
Recently, the magority of my snails are either dissapearing or not moving around much. I did some research and I did find what I think are Pyramid snails that could be the problem. However, I have only ever seen them on the turbo snails which haven't moved in days and stay closed up. The cerith snails have been sitting on the sand not moving, not coming out but there have been no signs of pyramid snails on them. I took one out to examine it closer today and I found some flat almost transparent things (about a half dozen of them) crawling on the cerith's shell. i took a picture to see if anyone could identify it (see below). They are about a 1-2mm long.

Are they anything to be worried about? And is there anything else I can do to sort out what the problem with the snails dying out in the tank? So far I have been trying to remove any/all pyramid snails manually, but there really have not been very many that I have seen.

Nitrate, ammonia and nitrite are at 0
SG is 1.025
Phosphates are 0
Alk is at 8.6 dKh as of a couple days ago.
Calcium is at about 380
ph is 8.2
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Old 02-07-2007, 10:50 PM
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It'r really difficult to tell from the pic what those things are. If your snails haven't moved and are closed up, I suspect they are already dead. The things in your pic may just be detrivores.

What changes in your tank occurred before the snail problems? Add any meds to the tank? Introduce new livestock, especially snails?

I don't know what else to ask or to tell you. If you had a better pic of the critters, someone may be able to ID them.

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Old 02-07-2007, 11:06 PM
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The snails aren't dead yet. They retract farther into thier shell when disturbed, poked etc. If they are picked up and put up onto the rockwork, they move a bit, get to an edge and fall off.

Unfortunatly, that is the best picture i can get with my camera. Im not all that good with photography and I don't have a macro lens. The pic was taken with a nikon d50 with 18-55mm lens.
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Old 02-07-2007, 11:10 PM
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It is hard to tell from the picture, but my guess is those are chitons. Maybe you can try to get a better picture.
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Old 02-08-2007, 04:05 AM
prodogg02 prodogg02 is offline
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check your salt level i had a plastic hydrometer that went wonky it read 1.022 but on a refractometer it was 1.030 the level was way to high fish were fine but all snails star fish and cleaner shrimp died star fish and shrimp died in like an hour after doing a water change snails all died within a weak.i now own a refractometer
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Old 02-08-2007, 04:11 AM
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Originally Posted by prodogg02 View Post
check your salt level i had a plastic hydrometer that went wonky it read 1.022 but on a refractometer it was 1.030 the level was way to high fish were fine but all snails star fish and cleaner shrimp died star fish and shrimp died in like an hour after doing a water change snails all died within a weak.i now own a refractometer
I will double check it, but i do use a refractometer. My starfish and shrimp seem to be doing just fine though.
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