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View Poll Results: Your Spouse/Significant-Other/Parent says "No more fish tanks." What do you do?!
The law has been lain. Nothing I can do. 12 11.54%
Beg and plead, until I can have another. 17 16.35%
Who cares! I defiantly bring one home anyways. 18 17.31%
Sneak another one in while they're not home. 21 20.19%
That will just never happen. 36 34.62%
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Old 11-14-2006, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap View Post
Good point, I would spend money on her but she won't cooperate, I have one of those low-maintenance wives.
pffff I know what you mean.. I hate when my husband tries to spend money on me...

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Old 11-14-2006, 04:57 PM
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when we first moved in together, she thought my hobby meant i was a dork. 4 months later, she wanted her own tank. we're up to 4 now...and she says she doesn't care how many tanks i want, because "it's the best hobby in the entire world."
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Old 11-15-2006, 04:44 AM
clipperfish clipperfish is offline
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If wife complains ,get a new one ,that is broken time to up grade .LOl
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Old 11-15-2006, 02:38 PM
guysmiley guysmiley is offline
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Set up a tank at the office which is out of her domain!

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Old 11-17-2006, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Sedgewick View Post
if its plumbed off the main display its a satelite not a tank, lol
Exactly, haha.

"Its not a new tank... its a 'support system', which helps keep the tank in good health. I just have great lighting, corals, rock and fish in there to make it more natural!"

Well, Im still a student as well. I started with the 10g Nano(after some tough convincing of the parents), to which my mom began to enjoy watching during supper time. 3 months later, I asked for my Christmas present to be an upgrade to my 'empty' 33g tank. After 6 months, my mom quite enjoyed watching the tank, and I talked about a larger tank offering more freedom with fish, and also how the 33g didnt have the best 'filtration', etc... The fan for the halide was loud, my dad didnt like that. He wanted to change the entire hood for some reason, and I wanted an upgrade. We found a 75 setup going for a good price, so we brought it home. I admit I didnt do the best job setting this one up(looks good though), and im not happy with the filtration, I also want to upgrade just to give the fish more swimming room, so im 'upgrading' to a reverse 90. It will also be an 'experiment' to see how automated I can get the system going, as my mom wants a room divider in the new house in a few years, and they plan to leave alot so cant take care of it all the time. The only barrier so far has been cost, but, my Dad understands its one of the few things I ask for, and its related to my future career. He also knows it makes my Mom quite happy, so he is willing to help with costs(as does my Mom). I do contribute as well, but having the parents on my side helps
No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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Old 11-17-2006, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Farrmanchu View Post
Stategy Ladies and buy a juvinile fish (that will grow big) that the spouse will fall in love with. Then once they bond, and the fish starts to grow, you get the new tank, not for yourself, but "for the fish". The spouse may actually start to suggest a bigger, or additional Tank.
Thank you, very wise !
I may do just that, at the moment all i am alowed is 65 Gal, what i shell do is let my wife pick a fish that will grow and Bang! i can get a 240 Gal
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Old 12-16-2006, 04:33 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
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At my worse I had just over 70 tanks going, I would come home from work say hi to my son, say hi to the wife and grab a sandwich and head to the fish room. Eight hours later I'd go to bed and wonder where everyone was... (in bed of course). Why the no more tanks? is it messy, my fish room was really well ogranized, so it never looked that big, friends thought it looked like a fish store and the fish club used it as a model for a top of the line fish room. Now I'm divorced (fish tanks had nothing to do with that). My girlfriend and I live in a townhouse and there just isn't room for 70 tanks. We are planning on converting the garage to a fish room in the spring but the number of tanks will be limited. She's very enthused about it and so am I. I had 15 gallon nano set up in my old apartment and she was happy to sit and watch for hours. I've pretty much talked her into a 60 gallon cube (30 gallon refugium on top and 20ish gallon sump underneath). We'll set that up in the living room and then after a few garage sales and a trip or two (or 5) to the dump we'll start the fish room in the garage.

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Old 12-16-2006, 05:38 PM
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im chalking up my recent purchase as a "miscommunication". i have a 67 gal reef that isnt drilled- talk about a pain. She had mentioned (this is her side of the story) that i should have just got a drilled tank TO START WITH. I heard (the real side to the story )why dont you just got get one. So i took off to the LFS while she was at work the next day and ordered up my custom 96 gal cube (no refund on custom ) Needless today, doghouse for me. But its blown over now (had to sell my 90 gal and 230 gal to smooth things out) and im building my stand for it now. Should be setup early in the new year. Cant wait. Moral of the story- guys hear what they want to hear- nothing can be done about that.
What my wife doesnt know wont kill me- i didnt buy anything from you, got it?
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Old 12-16-2006, 06:17 PM
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this is kind of a stupid poll, which is more inportant the spouse or a stupid fish tank... hell if my spouce said I had to get rid of all 4 of mine I would with out a hesatation. it is a hobby and there are always other things to spend money one.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.
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Old 12-16-2006, 07:50 PM
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just remember that happy wife means happy life.

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