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Old 07-27-2006, 03:38 AM
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i'm debating on going with the (3) 250w unit instead of the (3) 175 w unit. is there a real benefit in upgrading?

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Old 07-27-2006, 08:03 AM
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If you look at my recent posts you'll see pics of my tanks & the tunzes...

As for advantages to 250W lights, you will be more or less unlimited as to what kind of corals you want to keep, whereas 175W will mean you will only be able to keep less light demanding corals. Personally if it's feasible I would go with the 250's.
135G Mixed Reef. Bullet 2, 25 gal refugium, 2 X250W MH + 4X 96W PC\'s, DIY Calcium Reactor, Coralife 1/6 HP Chiller, Phosban, Tunze, 2 closed loops & SQWD\'s, Seios, Coralife 4 stage RO/DI & a bunch of other expensive gadgets... I may never retire, but I'm gonnahavahelluvanaquarium!
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Old 07-27-2006, 03:54 PM
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If you really want a nice setup that you can use to upgrade down the road too, then I would definately go with 250w halides.

Don't use a Dart on a closed loop, too much flow. Use a 400-500gph pump, maybe a mag7.

I run a baracuda on a closed loop manifold with 7 x 1/2" loc lines, I am happy with it, but it depends on your setup, mine is hidden in a fish room so no problem about PVC all over the place. I like being able to tweak my water flow whenever I want. The vortech pumps look awesome, aren't they really expensive though?

Also I would consider upping the skimmer to a g4x, or bigger. Whatever will fit under your stand. You can't really overskim, and you can upgrade to a bigger tank, or add tanks to the common sump down the road then.

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Old 07-27-2006, 06:36 PM
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thanks for the info guys. yeah the vortech pumps are really expensive. its funny that you mention about the g4 reefgeek because just yesterday at the LFS i was mentioning going bigger to a g4 for the potential of upgrading and they said they would cut me a deal. the owner told me that he had the stand made a little taller for me to allow for more room for the skimmer.

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Old 07-27-2006, 06:42 PM
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The G4 is 24" tall, the G4X is 30" tall, and should only be $20 more.

I used to import ASM skimmers, compare the LFS pricing to:

The G4X is only $10 US more expensive on that site than the G4.

See if asmskimmer will ship via USPS then your brokerage is cheap, and all you have to pay is $5.00 brokerage, plus the shipping and of course GST but you pay that regardless.

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Old 07-27-2006, 10:10 PM
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cool thanks reefgeek. well guys i bought the 250w unit this morning. i thought it was worth the extra $. its better to spend a little more now then do it later and have to spend alot more. hidden reef is an awesome store. they do all they can to make their customers happy. once their website is up and running then you'll know what i mean. i was in yesterday planning out the plumbing a bit. well i'm not really planning i'm leaving it up to mark at hidden reef to decide. if you have seen pics of his system you'll know why i'm leaving it to him. i think the closed loop system will work better for what i need it for and then later if need be i'll pick up a vortech or 2. my stand should arrive at the store of friday and then i'm just waiting to get a hold of a used 55gal so that i can drill it for sump and start the plumbing. i was going to use my current tank but if i can i'd like to keep it running until the new tank is setup and then just trade in the 55g.

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Old 07-28-2006, 12:48 AM
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If you are thinking of going with an ASM skimmer upgrade go to the G4X. I have both and IMO the G4 is a POS - seriously underpowered unless they have changed the pump from the Sedra 5000.
On my 190 I have a closed loop run with a Sequence Hammerhead that then goes through an Ocean Motions 4 way with each of the 4 outlets split giving me 8 returns to the tank. The OM devise is really cool and makes for good rolling flow along the tank. I also have 2 Tunze 6200 in this tank so it is high flow but I don't find the closed loop provides too much flow at all. Definately more from the Tunzes.
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