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Old 05-23-2006, 11:22 PM
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Default parasites?

Ok, I'm at a loss for ideas here...I have a FOWLR tank (and a few corals) 105gal tank with about 50 gal in the sump. Last week I had my koran angelfish get pop eye from scratching his face on the sand. He had been scratching for maybe 2 weeks prior to this..I wasn't sure what was up. Now my yellow tang is scratching, my maroon clown has some weird looking scar in her head (can clownfish get HLLE?), and my singapore angel has buggy eyes. I tried pulling out the koran before it died and tried medicating him with "seachem's Sulfathiazole"

Sulfathiazole is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. Usual dose is 250 mg per 40 L (10 gallons), but dose may be increased up to four-fold. Easily removed with carbon and does not impair nitrification.
He died 2 days after I medicated him. So now with 3 more fish "looking ill", what should I do? I don't have a tank large enough to accomodate all the fish to medicate them, I don't know what's causing this, and I don't know if I should medicate them all...augh.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I have a fear all my fish are gonna wake up dead some soon morning

A little reading has brought me to conclude that popeye is an internal bacterial infection. Would something like this: be worth trying?
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Last edited by Invigor; 05-23-2006 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 05-24-2006, 12:18 AM
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Well, I going to give mardel's maracyn-2 a try, because of the absorbtion through the skin property of Minocycline, I think it's got a good chance of killing any possible internal infection.

And for the rest of it, I'll do a 50% waterchange, and try to inject fresh outside air into my tank. Apparently high concentrations of dissolved gasses (o2 and n2) can be a cause of popeye as well. This could be possible as my tank is in my poorly ventilated basement area.
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Old 05-24-2006, 12:52 AM
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i had a damsil with popeye and i just kept soaking his food in garlic and vitamins (i think either zoe or selcon) and it got better quickly
but what the heck do i know
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Old 05-24-2006, 02:17 AM
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I think you might be onto something with the air quality. You can try to run your air intake for your skimmer outside as this is supposed to be a really good way to get the air into your tank water. You might also try opening a window (if possible) and putting a fan in it to bring in more fresh air from outside.
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Old 05-24-2006, 07:46 AM
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Popeye is caused by a lot of things but it's most commonly due to a bacterial infection, physical trauma, ammonia toxicity, or gas saturation in the water. I doubt poor ventilation would lead to gas saturation. Check your water pumps to see if any of them are sucking air in - as this could led to saturation of gas. Even so, it would be fairly rare in a home aquarium. You need to get your water quality sorted out - best done through lots of water changes. You may also consider giving your fish an antibiotic treatment via the feed if possible. I would advise against added antibiotics directly to your water for a variety of reasons, but mostly because 1) efficacy is poor; and 2) they will upset your biological filtration; something that would exacerbate your situation if your nitrogen cycle gets thrown off and ammonia starts to build up. I would try administering an antibiotic via the feed, which is a more efficacious route of administration. Any of the Seachem (Focus + any of Sulfathiazole/Kanaplex/Neoplex) or Aquarium Products (eg Gel-Tek Ulta Cure BX) would be good choices to consider.

Last edited by Rondelet; 05-24-2006 at 08:06 AM.
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