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Old 04-06-2006, 04:57 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by dufferdan
Side note. I don't think his color is relevent. And he may have just been friendly an nice.
Why do people always have to go looking for stuff like this?

I read that as a descriptive term used in the same way you would say white, tall, fat, old, asian or purple. As for relevance, the description of the guy who attacked the girl in the school was of someone with black skin.

Originally Posted by lil_clownfish13
no the scary thing is that people are still scared of BLACK people! If a white man gave your kids money for the vending machines, you'd probably think he was some nice man..
Now that's just offensive, I think you owe Beemaster an apology. He's given you absolutely no reason to asume that.
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Old 04-06-2006, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by lil_clownfish13
no the scary thing is that people are still scared of BLACK people! If a white man gave your kids money for the vending machines, you'd probably think he was some nice man..
Okay WTF!! I dont care the the damn colour of a person is! you come up and give my kids Money, Candy, Toys, or whatever and yea I am going to be concerned, who the hell are you to think just because he was black that i would be more concered? on a sidenote, do you even know what colour i am?

Originally Posted by dufferdan
Side note. I don't think his color is relevent. And he may have just been friendly an nice.
The relevence of his skin colour was due to what happened at a school here in edmonton, where a little girl was sexual assaulted by a black man!

Last edited by Beermaster; 04-06-2006 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 04-06-2006, 02:29 PM
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Did the guy at your kids' pool match the description, particularly the streaked hair, of the guy at the school?

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Old 04-06-2006, 02:42 PM
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Such a tragedy.

I heard on the radio this morning, a report of a black male with the same description came into a salon to get a hair dye. Retard. He'll get what's coming to him, and then some.
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Old 04-06-2006, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Beverly

Did the guy at your kids' pool match the description, particularly the streaked hair, of the guy at the school?
Nope, he had short hair, almost shaved - My daughter after we showed her the discription of the man from edmonton stated that he also had 2 kids with him, so maybe it was just a nice guy and not a sicko, but still scared the shit out of my wife and me

Its just there are scary things that happen in our world now, and being a parent, you try not to take those chances! then again look what just happened right in a school, thats just plain scary. I personaly wouldn't blame the school, but what do you do?
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Old 04-06-2006, 06:32 PM
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I hope you heard that radio thing correctly. Haven't been hooked into tv or radio all day. If it's true, everyone in Edmonton will sure feel safer for their kids. But then, there's always gonna be more of those monsters out there Like Mark said, you just can't take chances with your children

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Old 04-07-2006, 03:17 PM
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Watched the news last night and read the paper today. The guy has not been caught yet

All he'd have to do is shave his head or wear a hat of some sort to disguise his streaked hair. He may have even streaked his hair just prior to his crime, then shaved his head or dyed his own hair back to normal so people who know him might not have seen the streaked hair which is his most distinguishing feature.

This guy is smart. He must watched the school for some time to know how and when to get in. He may be miles away from here by now, or he may be scoping out some other facility where there are children

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Old 04-07-2006, 04:33 PM
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alright, the comment was said in haste, so mark i do apologize for the insinuation in my comment...

i said it because it seems that everytime something like this happens, it immediately flies up that every black male "could be" the perp. Take a look at the description of the guy again... with his head shaved, he's about average... my point was moreso that as much as we feel sorry for the little girl for her terrifying experience. we should feel sorry for the scores of black men with short hair that fit the description.

As much as we all would like to think, our police force is full of racist police officers, as much as it is full of good ones. Of course, if you are white, you would never even know.

would the same thing be happening if the perp was not black? or maybe if the little girl was black? or of native heritage?

this happens over and over in our society, nothing gets done until a white person disappears or gets hurt. (like out on the Highway of Tears in BC)(Native women have been going missing on that highway for two decades, and then all of a sudden a white tree planter woman goes missing...and all of a sudden RCMP are all over it.)

i think the relevance of anyone's skin color doesn't need to be mentioned, and if indeed people's skin color is irrelevant, then why mention it? if it makes no difference of what color of person approaches your kids, and he doesn't fit the description,why say?

I think that if we really want race to not be such an issue... we should start treating it like what it really is.... NOT REAL.

Next time you go to point out someone, or describe someone... See if you can do it without mentioning race, skin color or ethnicity... Its harder than you think. We treat race like a description, like fat or thin, short or tall, despite the fact that the negative consequences for all of us go far beyond that.

I don't mean any of these statements as inflammatory, but just think them over, whether you agree or disagree... its all worth a thought right?

(p.s. I attended Oliver school for junior high, and honestly, this guy would just have had to enter any door except the front door, and there is a secluded washroom in a long hallway, or thru the back door and there is one right beside the empty gymnasium. Scoping out the school would really not be all that necessary.)

I am glad they are getting kids to go in pairs now... they should have been doing that all along...these bathrooms are so secluded away from one would hear if you shouted for help if you slipped and hurt yourself.
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