Well maybe on somethings their prices are a bit higher than others but thats also due to the fact that they arent a big superstore with the bulk buying power others have. I like to stick with the little guy ....they seem to be more attentative and willing to stand behind what they sell. Id prefer to pay a little more just for the attention to detail i know i will recieve for the duration of my tank should i need any help. Maybe i get in there a little more than you so i see the big differences....Like the 90G seastar they have with a cherry stand and canopy, plumbed with the overflows for 1100 bucks, or the other one (90G)with a black stand and canopy for 899 (dont qoute me though im not sure on that one). I also am taking into account all the other livestock and the prices of them. In the end i guess we are all entitled to our opinion and this just happens to be mine that Hidden Reef is the best in my books for service,quality, and assortment of goods.