Originally Posted by reefaddict29er
Wow really nice!
Thank you. When are you gonna come buy some corals?
Since I was talking about it, I thought I'd test tonight as I haven't checked these since the middle of May;
PO4 0.021
NO3 0.00
I ran a bag of carbon this week for 5 days for the first time since I don't know when - not this year anyway and can't be bothered to look through my journal. My water looked a bit yellow-ish in a white bucket, yet it's still clear looking through the tank. It's clear/blue-ish in a bucket again. Good for another year ...
And ya, I ran a bag as I can't be bothered to hook up a pump to a reactor

I don't even know why I'm keeping the parts!
And my yellow tang made a full recovery from his HLLE once the carbon was removed. I can hardly see the scars now.
On that, back a few years ago while trying to heal my yellow tang, I tried adding Brightwell Vitamin, Minor & Trace Element stuff ... all it did was fuel algae growth.
Removing my carbon reactor was the best thing I ever did.
I'm not saying it's for everyone. I don't have much coral warfare going on so I just don't need it.
Sorry, no pics today