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Old 05-17-2018, 11:46 PM
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Unhappy Hairline crack in newish 60-gallon Marineland cube tank

I was cleaning the glass and found something I'm not used to seeing... a little saltcreep around a fine vertical line near the back right corner of my 60-gallon Marineland rimless cube tank. I cleaned it off and found a vertical hairline crack starting and beginning at the edge of the right-side pane of the glass. The two panes of glass aren't completely flush, either. It's flush at the top but then the back panel regresses to maybe half a mm at the bottom.

More facts:

- It's only two-years old.
- It's on the Marineland oak stand that it came with.
- It's on an entirely level surface.
- Nothing has bumped it.
- There is no rock resting against it.
- There is no wave-maker.
- It wasn't damaged during shipping.
- It wasn't there before.

I'm waiting to hear back from the store. They're contacting the supplier for next steps but in the meantime I'm really stressing out about it. This is bad, right? Should I try patching it with a piece of glass and silicone on the outside to temporarily strengthen it? Should I lower the water level to reduce the stress on the glass? If this thing busts we're probably looking at a $12,000 insurance claim here as I'm on the second floor of a condo.

Here is a photo (should be rotated 90 degrees left)...

Last edited by Megalodon; 01-24-2023 at 09:56 PM.
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Old 05-18-2018, 12:13 AM
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dave_C dave_C is offline
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Doesn't look like a crack to me, looks more like a scratch

cracks will always start from the edge of the glass and from the picture i don't see that at all

thanks Dave
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Old 05-18-2018, 03:12 AM
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Can you see that the crack goes all the way through the glass? Can you catch that on your camera?

If it really is a crack and not a scratch like Dave says, I'd be emptying the tank pronto. Second floor of a condo - your insurance company would be lucky if it was only $12,000.
~ Mindy

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Old 05-18-2018, 05:05 PM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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it looks kind of like there is some sand or debris on the glass just to the right side of where both scratches start, which may have caused the glass to get scratched when wiping or cleaning.
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Old 05-25-2018, 05:51 AM
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I think you might be right; it's just a scratch. I apologize for over-reacting.
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Old 05-25-2018, 06:00 AM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Originally Posted by Megalodon View Post
I think you might be right; it's just a scratch. I apologize for over-reacting.
With all of the time and money we have invested in this hobby I wouldn’t call it an over reaction, I’d be concerned at first too.
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