Just thought I'd do a small update considering it's been awhile since I've posted one.
So the main display was picked up today. I feel really bad for the guy who bought it as it was cracked while loading it in the back of their truck. It sounds like it may not be as bad as first expected. With the tank gone I managed to flip my stand the right way up lol. It feels so empty now that the tank is gone! I spoke with Dave at Concept today and he said the new tank should be ready to ship by Thursday or Friday. I still haven't heard back from the sump builder and it sure has taken a long time to get this sump! It's been well over a month.
I have also added a QT Tank to my living room. I figured I'd get some fish once it is cycled to start treatment and hopefully my tank will be up and running by the time they are ready to be put in. It's a 40 gallon breeder. It's not the biggest tank but it will get the job done. I painted the back black. I'm using 1 Ai Sol Blue for the light. I decided to go with the Seachem Tidal 75 for the Hang On Filter as it does surface skimming which I thought was a pretty cool feature for a HOB Filter and also has a Sicce pump!