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Old 10-18-2017, 05:58 AM
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Default Acropora's susceptible to AEFW

I recently read an article about AEFW ( In the article they mention that only the following Acropora species are affected by AEFW.
Acropora valida, A. pulchra, A. millepora, A. tortuosa, A. nana, A. tenuis, A. formosa, A. echinata, A. yongei

They also mention that other varieties of Acropora are resistant:
If it is true that these are the species that are most affected it would make sense that these would be the colonies that we would have to watch, quarantine, and dip when we get new acros?

What I am wondering has anyone seen AEFW on other species of Acropora.

Has anybody seen AEFW damage on other species of Acropora than on the list above?
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Old 10-18-2017, 06:55 AM
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“So, in an attempt to locate it in its natural habitat we (aquarists, hobbyists and myself) drew up a list of all the Acropora species affected by the AEFW (Acropora valida, A. pulchra, A. millepora, A. tortuosa, A. nana, A. tenuis, A. formosa, A. echinata, A. yongei), mapped their collective natural distributions, and saw that they are all small polyp species found in the Indo-Pacific region.”

Last edited by Wheelman76; 10-18-2017 at 07:03 AM.
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Old 10-18-2017, 06:58 AM
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Oops , pressed send before I was done typing. Anyway I’m not sure that he was saying that only some Acropora are affected ,rather certain acros are more succeptable than others. I know that AEFW do seem to prefer Acropora Valida , and that’s always a good piece to inspect first if you suspect you might have them.

Last edited by Wheelman76; 10-18-2017 at 07:02 AM.
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Old 10-18-2017, 04:46 PM
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I have heard elsewhere these claims as well (just can't find the articles right now) and that some acropora species are resistant. It was nice how she laid out these species as a starting point and that is all I am trying to do.

It just seems for something that causes so much pain there is so little research.
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Old 10-19-2017, 05:22 AM
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Resistant ? Or completely immune to AEFW ? Because there’s a huge difference.

The reason I ask is because in your first post , you mention that would wanted to know if there were certain species not affected , so that you could avoid dipping , quarantining etc. I agree that AEFW prefer certain acros , but I highly doubt that any Acropora are immune to AEFW. It’s also different in the wild , where there are so many species for the worm to choose their favourite. What happens in a Reef tank when these “tasty” acros are removed , or die from pest damage ?
I would bet that the AEFW would move onto any Acropora left in the tank to avoid starvation.
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Old 10-19-2017, 05:39 AM
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I will now always dip and quarantine new corals, no matter who I get them from.

However certain acros are more likely to have AEFW and I would likely want to take extra precautions with these species of coral. Extra precautions could include multiple dips and careful monitoring.

According to the article 75% of all wild A valida collected from the area they looked had AEFW.

Considering how hard it is to find AEFW on an infected coral. You can't see them when they are on your corals and often it is only the damage they are causing that tips you off. It is my experience with the little monsters that they don't readily abandon ship when treated with Coral RX. They have to be blasted off the corals. I have not tried other methods of dipping. It would be extremely easy to have AEFW and not even know you have it.

I am just looking for fellow hobbyists experience with the flatworms and which corals did they find them on.
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Old 10-19-2017, 05:55 AM
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If anyone wants to know which species or monti's the nudibranch prefers I can tell you from first hand experience which ones get and which ones are less susceptible, as I have been managing this pest for close to a year. Loads of experience.

I fortunately have very limited experience in dealing with the AEFW. I have only ever found it on one coral that I never added to my tanks. That was on a A tenuis. The key word here is I have found it on once and it was through hard work. Who knows what I have missed.

I missed the nudibranch with dipping and quarantine. I thought I had it for 4 months when it reared its ugly little white fluffy head again.
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Old 10-19-2017, 06:26 AM
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I fully agree with you Glen , dip everything, no matter who it comes from and how clean their tank looks. They are hard little buggers to spot , and you’re right about the dips not always dislodging them. Usually if the dip is strong enough and you give them a good blast in the dipping container with a turkey baster , they come off pretty well. A magnifying glass is a great tool as well.

Another trick for spotting them is to leave the Acro out of the water for a few minutes and let the skin dry a little , this really helps to show them since they seem to retain moisture a little longer than the Acro , and the contrast between the two is easier to spot.

I’ve also used one of the blue led flashlights to spot them , they show up as dark spots against the Acro skin and are quite visible.

Of course all these tips work well for frags , but it’s much harder to do with colonies because there are so many more places to hide.
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