Originally Posted by Potatohead
I don't mean to pile on, but most ATO's also have a maximum run time so this type of thing doesn't happen. If set up correctly the most water a system will lose is whatever amount is in the return chamber + maximum ATO run time. You'll burn up your return pump, but who cares. I guess if the leak is slow enough that the ATO can refill completely and resets every time, there's nothing you can do about that. In hindsight this stuff if always easily solved of course.
Really a crummy situation for you   . I hope some stuff pulls through.
Oh no. Pile it on bud. This isn't about a pity party for me, this is about sharing and learning. I had asked myself that question too and the simple answer is my reactor is fed with a 1/4" line that is throttled down to keep a decent feed to reactor. I've seen my ATO trigger for top off and it only runs for about 5 seconds. There is plenty of time for the pump to shut down and reset before the levels dropped low enough again to trigger start up.