I would stay away from sand as well, for mbuna's anyway. Peacocks wouldn't matter. I tried CC in a old cichlid tank of mine, I found it never did anything to the PH. Had a heck of a time getting the PH to 8.2. I like the filter idea, I can see the constant ciculation helping dissolve the calcium in the corals. Has anyone read the article by Marc _____ can't remember his name or where I saw it about using 1 tbs of baking soda. 1/2 tps of empson salt and 1 tsp of marine salt for 10g of water for Africans? Just wondering if anyone ever tried it. It sounds like a good mix to me after my reef experience. Anyway, thanks for the input. Please keep it coming.
50g reef, bubble king skimmer,20g sump,zeovit system, PM cal reactor