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Old 01-30-2017, 03:20 AM
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maron6977 maron6977 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Cloverdale
Posts: 358
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Default Update

Been a few months & have changed/upgraded a few things.
First I upgraded controller , from reefkeeper lite to Reefkeeper elite. Lite could only do 4 module & it was full , second could only see 1 line of display & then have to scroll . New one does 4 lines & a lot easier to access modules .

Also picked up a couple new fish, clown tang & Harlequintusk. The tang was/is so small but feisty , took about a week to get not chased. Now he chases the gold spot rabbit fish & hippo away from the norri clip every morning.
The tusk , I've been wanting & looking for about a year . Finally got a tip from a fellow Canreefer & picked him up from the pet store in Abby the next day . Again took a few days for everyone to get used to the new comer, but all good now .

Changed my Ato system from a gravity fed from 15g rubber maid container to float valve , to acrylic 35g tank, aqua lifter pump controlled by RKE & float switch. That feeds into Avast kalk stirrer . Was having trouble keeping PH up & also calcium reactor couldn't keep up to consumption. Just got that online & still trying to dial it in . Good results so far .

Because of the bigger water storage , had to build a new stand . I think turned out okay , considering its 2x4's & plywood !

Glued & screwed!

Lastly , to still increase my PH , I'm trying a secondary chamber after calcium reactor . Just a spare reactor body I had with media . Will see how it goes .

240G Dream Tank of Frustration
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