Originally Posted by Myka
Yeah, it's pretty cool that Paul B has kept his tank going for so long! Hard to believe he had a UGF in there for so long. My first reef had one too! 
So did I. In the mid-80s I had a 33g tank with only a Volitan Lionfish & a 110g (which was the biggest tank you could buy back then) and it had a full-length UG filter, as well as canister & HOB filters, plus diatom filter (stir up the sand, turn on the diatom filter for an hour, shut off & clean out). Kept a crazy mix of fish in there (no live rock for sale back then) such as a Moorish Idol, Passer King Angel, Smooth Horn Shark & Snowflake Moray. Like the guy in the video, I fed them mostly whole fish, such as smelts from the supermarket, as well as fish pellets. These fish did great without a skimmer, live rock or other high tech aids for several years until I shut down that tank due to being at UBC & having no time or $$.
About 2003, I built a plenum and had that on my 100g, which is sort of like a UG filter. Worked really well actually. Haven't used that old school technology since I began buying & using sumps & skimmers.
Great to see someone doing things old school & having great long-term success. Thanks for posting the links.