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Old 01-02-2017, 06:43 PM
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No I dont QT. Dont have room and just dont care. Its gotten me twice. Once a few years back a flame angel from another reefer gave my tank Velvet which killed everyone except my blenny and a lyretail anthias.
Sencond i just mentioned the small ick or something above. I am not 100% sure thats even what killed the fish. Perhaps they were a little off and one of the wrasses nailed the anthias and damsel. Butterfly/nemo caught whatever those new PetLovers fish had, urgh. I swear they sell cyanide caught fish there, will never buy livestock from them again.
Healthy fish can usually recover. So I just make sure everyone looks fat happy and healthy before i add a new addition.

Then getting to see the fish in person before I buy. I knew most of the fish i picked on boxing day had been at the store for over a month (cant verify the damsel) so i knew they were doing well there. Fat happy healthy eating well. Otherwise i annoy the staff by having them feed the fish for me so i can see it eat (dont think that was going to happen on boxing day). I almost got a flame angel the other day but not only were they new, half had a few ick specs or were in a tank attached to the same tank as another that appeared ill. So the coral beauty had been there a bit and was on a totally different wall. He looked fat happy and healthy too (minus trying to commit suicide after being caught in the store).

I do make an effort to feed garlic and VitC soaked food for awhile to new fish. Some people say it helps some say it doesnt. Might as well honestly.

I used to make an effort of drip acclimating fish into a 1gal pail kept at tank temperature for 2 hours. Now i just open the tops of the bags and use a large plastic clothespeg and clip the bag to the tank, add a drop of prime, and use a glass and dump tank water into the bags until im happy and the salinity matches. It usually only takes half an hour because i wander off between cups of water. Depends what salinity the water the fish came from was so that I do check.

Everyone is doing well so far still. No signs of illness. Eating well. Their all coming out of their shell and seem to fit right in. The angel hasnt discovered the seaweed clips yet because the other fish are a bit too crazy over them.
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Old 01-02-2017, 07:37 PM
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Nice to hear your turning things around .
Dragon Wrasse - good luck, They like to redecorate your tank
Coral Beauty- had one for 9-10 yrs - good with corals, but not with clams - just my experience
Sorry to hear about your corals , you had quite the collection going .

240G Dream Tank of Frustration
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Old 01-02-2017, 10:25 PM
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DKoKoMan DKoKoMan is offline
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Love the tank journal! I appreciate all your honesty and efforts throughout. I would like to add your fish colours are awesome and match the colour pinwheel. I will be setting up my recently acquired 150g DT with a 50g Sump... Nice to see your setup. Keep up with the updates as your tank evolves and the fish grow.
300g Basement Reef - April 2018
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