well...i'm not sure if you want to duplicate what I have, but for my mbuna, 2-3" abs pipe connectors are awesome for making cheap easy caves, t's, elbows, 45s, 90s, straight pipe..they're not that "natural" looking, but the fish don't seem to mind...
I find my fish uproot plants too much so I use the fake silk ones that hagen (exo-terra) make for terraniums. they provide lots of cover and don't cost -that- much..., and they stick to the side of the tank so the fish never tear them off.
I use just regular aquarium gravel, about 3mm gravel. the tap water in regina is 7.6-7.8 so it's perfect for africans...i've also got a few brischardis in there too..they seem to hold their own
they're in a 48x12x18 tank and i have about 9 fully grown mbunas and 1 6" pleco