swapping out lights going old school
Hey all well I'm down in New Brunswick now bought a house and giving my cube away to my nephew. This house wont really have a good place for a cube just with the type of house it is. Its a side split so I will do a smaller cube like a 20x20x20 I'm going to run a pendant 250 w MH thou never liked the LED its the newest one its the 6200 HV one with next to nothing for hours on it. still haven't figured out what I will be doing this tank will be automated thou. and it will be a easy tank shrimp, cuke's and starfish , and a few smaller fish and a mmmmmmmmmm a skimmer what will I do this time. might go with a alpha cone again I loved that 170 that I had
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge. You don't know as much as you think. |