Lumen Bright Large Metal Halide Mogul Pendant HELP NEEDED!
Hello Canreefers,
For my love of sps corals and wanting them to grow faster than using LED. I got myself a large lumen bright MH pendant. It comes with a socket connecting to a cord and this cord has one ring terminal and two wires (one white and one black). On the other hand, the ballast I bought also comes with a cord that has one ring terminal and two wires (one white and one black). So I got myself some wire connectors and the guy at home depot told me that I can use a metal socket. Not knowing any electricals, I just wanted to make sure that I've got the right parts to properly ground the ring terminals together. Any help/advise is appreciated. The pendant is hung on top of my tank for over a week already. So I'm eager to light it up! Here are some pics. Lumen Pendant The two ring terminals and black and white wires The metal socket I've got from home depot to ground the two ring terminals. Many Thanks in Advance! |