Skimmer for a 400gal system
I'm just trying to decide on a skimmer for my soon to be 300gal/w100gal sump. I'm planning a heavy fish load with some coral in this tank. Coral are going to be a few choice softies, lps and probably a big anenome of some sort. I've owned quite a few skimmers but haven't had a tank in about four years and I find technology has come quite a ways. I'm just looking for some advice on skimmer selection. Recirculating? Needlewheel? Beckett? Reef Octopus? Vertex? Bubble King? Bubble Magus? Skimz? Deltec? So much to choose from... I'll only have about 27-28" of height to work with. Budget is not an issue but I'll surely consider something in the mid range cost if it performs well.