Planning new 400
Hi all, I'm planning a new 400 gallon peaceful fowlr tank. Tank will be 96x30x30 and will be a plywood build with front viewing only. I'm going to try a skimmerless system using a large diy wet dry and a diy ats for my filtration. I'm also doing a diy 3d background too. I got must of the stuff I need for the build already just waiting on kids sports to slow down so I'll have time to go at it hard.
I'd like some opinions on the stocking list to see what everyone's thoughts are. Yellow tangs x5 Powder blue Regal tang Blond naso Yellow eye kole Orange shoulder Emporor angel Majestic angel Long nose hawk Long nose butterfly Copperband butterfly Black and white chromis x10 Flame angel Bi color angel Elibi angel Green manderine in time of corse Also what order you would add them all in too
Smoking is my hobbie reefing is my addiction |