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Old 01-04-2014, 03:41 PM
Dearth's Avatar
Dearth Dearth is offline
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Dearth is on a distinguished road
Default What a shock

So after a long boring night at work decided to do some basic husbandry in the tank cause well I am wide awake and on days off and I figured it was a good time to play in the tank decided to move some rock around in the tank and got the friggen scare of my life damn near broke the glass in my tank almost fell off the ladder I was on and screamed like a lil school girl.

I lifted a flat rock and this big arsed dark blob raced up my arm jumped out of the tank and hit me square on the lips then landed on top of the tank and started to squirm around. As I was recomposing myself and checking my shorts I discovered the cause of my angst was my lawnmower Blennie which was still squirming around on top of the tank probably laughing its butt off at me. Finally grabbed the lil bugger threw him back into the tank and checked what damage I may of done by my impression of a child with a spider in their hair.

Tank is fine 1 coral flipped over 2 rocks out of place all fixed up now

End result is I am now truly wide awake heart still racing water water everywhere a Blennie that almost saw the light and a story to tell and 3 cats staring at the idiot screaming and shaking his fist at the tank
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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