Originally Posted by asylumdown
Yah just be careful with them. They don't seem like they are very agile, but when spooked they can bolt with a surprising amount of speed. Mine ended up inside my overflow box once, which would have required getting his entire body a full inch out of the water. He lost 2/3 of his tail in the process and it's still growing back.
Also, they're very easy to train to eat out of your hand. However, they can and will draw blood if they mistake your fingers for something delicious, like mine just did a few minutes ago when I was feeding it krill. Their lips are outrageously soft, and then they bite down. Ouch.
I remember reading your thread about him in your overflow. That's what kind of inspired me to order the fish in, cause I saw your FTS and thought to myself "wow, a cowfish long term in an sps tank- brilliant!" Thanks for the inspiration!