Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital
I disagree, reading through this thread and the very similar one on RC there are more than a few posting they are ditching LED because they do not believe they can grow corals or produce colour.
I don't know what rock those people are living under, because clearly "those people" did not see our current TANK OF THE MONTH, or Dez's Tank, or Asylumdown's awesome Radion tank, or the past RC Tank of the Month. I could go on and on.. Seriously, there are examples of nice LED tanks EVERYWHERE.
Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital
If the argument is not that, then why would you ditch LED and go back to T5 or MH? I think im losing the plot here in all this to be honest
I already answered this. The argument (if we can call it that), is simply that some people
do not prefer how it looks to them. This is all very subjective which means you can't, and shouldn't be trying to tell someone what they should and should not like. I don't like Ferraris. This doesn't mean that they are crap or that they don't work. If someone were to give me a Ferarri I wouldn't want it! I would give it back or donate it to charity. This doesn't mean the Ferrari is crap! It simply means
I do not prefer it. In fact, if someone were to give me 3 free Mitras today, I would not install them. This DOES NOT mean that they are crap or that they don't work! This just means that I do not want to run them. Why can't someone
not want something ??
And on that train of thought, it has been proven that some corals will appear different under the various light technologies. This again is yet another reason why people simply PREFER one technology over another. They might simply PREFER how corals appear under a particular technology.