Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...
this is my first reply to any subject posted on any sight .I agree to a point with both sides of the debate. One tangs are going to need to go to a larger tank in the future ,but once again it doesn't mean that a person with a larger tank knows what they are doing nor has a better setup than a guy with a 33 gallon tank .Alot of larger tank owners have huge egos when itcomes to the size of anything. I should know I've been in the industry for half my life and this is what i do for a living. Most of us forget about proper diet and healthy water conditions let alone tank size or really knowing about hands on experiance.I've been impressed overall with all the the replies over the last couple of years and there is some amazing tanks there. One final thought if we wanted to get right down to it alot of the livestock we keep together shouldn't be: we forget conditions differ around the world and were not all keeping species in are tanks from one area are we. Thanks for all support for animal house over the last couple years .