Help my BTA is dying
Im worried about my BTA, i have had him for a while, and a few months ago decided to upgrade to a larger tank 95 Gal. Bout a new light for it Fluval Sea m48 led light. Was told that was more than capable to keep him. At the start of the larger tank, he had looked fine and was eating well. I feed him cooked shrimp and scallops and he picks up brine and misis when i feed the rest of the tank. He has circled the rock he is on a few times now and cant seem to find a nice spot. but while moving around he has been so shriveled up that i cant feed him by hand and wont take anything. He probably hasnt eaten in a month. His color hasnt changed at all, all my corals are doing great in the tank as well as all the fish. The temp is 25C no amonia, very small amount of nitrate, PH 8.1, Phosphate is 0, the water quality is great. Im lost!