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Old 07-18-2013, 04:17 AM
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Operation "Skim Damn You!!!"

I can't recall if I made any mention of it in this thread but I have had a lot of frustrations with trying to dial in my Reef Octopus XP2000sss skimmer since day 1.

From what I can remember I read that 9" was the optimal depth for the water level in the sump, I'm almost bang on 9" so you can see how things could get frustrating when I can barely get this skimmer to skim.

By my math, I've MAYBE collected 3/4 of the skimmer cup full worth of skimmate since I started this tank. Really not that good and I considered myself to be feeding rather heavy, so this lack of skimming has not been ideal.

While my PO4 reading this week gave me a 0.08ppm reading I still feel this lack of skimming has had a part in my difficulties with this tank so tonight was the last straw. The boys at Concepts had suggest that I raise this skimmer to around 5" of water depth rather than 9" to get better performance from this thing.

So I went out to Home Depot to pick up some egg-crate. Home depot here in Airdrie apparently closes at 8pm now!! I ended up finally finding egg-crate Rona. $12.59 (and 1 Large Steeped Tea) later I was on my way home.

I didn't go right up to 5" yet. I built my skimmer perch to 3" to raise my skimmer to 6" depth and in doing so my sump level dropped somewhere between 3/16"-1/4" putting me at approx 5.75" (which just so happens to be what Bulk Reef Supply has on their site for optimal depth). I'll try that out for now and see if my skimmate increases.

180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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