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Old 06-30-2013, 04:32 AM
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Default Shaw Gateway whole-home PVR

My wife is out of town, and the final season of Dexter starts tomorrow night, so I'm going to record it for her
I thought about buying a DVD Recorder, but before doing so I checked into the Shaw system


For 6 TVs (we have 7) it will cost nearly $1100.00, and we can't use our old Digital Boxes. So we have no option of using an old box on other TVs and just a few of these new modules

This new system advertises a bunch about HDTV, but you can still use it with Digital Cable and TVs. I don't plan on buying an HDTV until our current bigscreen craps out, so this is good
But the price is too out there for now, even if we go with the $30/mth for 36 months deal

So, I bought a Toshiba DVD Recorder for $129.99

Thanks for nothing Shaw
I've been with them for 30 something years, but that means squat

"You can also sell your old boxes once you install the new system"
Ya, whatever. Who's going to want them ?
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