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Old 04-11-2013, 04:03 PM
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ckmullin ckmullin is offline
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Default ckmullin --> 6 gal nano

Don't be too is only my 1st SW setup.

This is a little 6 gallon Fluval Edge. I've upgraded the lights in a previous fresh water project from the stock 6 gallon 21 led bulb to the stock 12 gallon 42 bulb fixture. This results in better overall strength of light at sand level. A proper SW light upgrade could possibly happen in the future.

I had crafted a HOB acrylic box with serves as an overflow and path to a 15 gal sump. I had added at this time a sump to help house even basics such as a heater because space is just so tight within the tank. I currently have cheato and live rock within the sump.

There is one piece of mature live rock with everything else being dry rock within the display tank. There is approximately 8 pounds of live rock within the sump. The rock within the tank is made up of three pieces to make the display stable and for ease of disassembly. I found a two part liquid epoxy the best once again to manipulate. I don't know if others do this but I found when mixing the epoxy that sprinkling in a couple pinches of your sand substrate helps prevent a big shiny glob of glue showing up like a spot light underwater. When the epoxy was still wet I had also sprinkled over more substrate as helped make glue spots very well.

Water characteristics are kept in check by water changes. I guess it's one of the benefits of a small tank...a 3 gal water change!

Coralline on the mature live rock is growing quite well as perceivable growth takes place which can be seen daily.

For critters this will be an invert, zooanthid and mushroom tank. The three small Rock Flower corals and a Colt coral which were all hitchhikers most likely will be removed and given away. I've already decided to banish the turbo snail to the sump as I'm tired of rescuing it daily within the tight display tank. When the tank is more mature I'd like to add a Barnacle Blenny...maybe two.

Tanks for the view.
(sorry for the crude pun)
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