A fish I failed to quarantine had ich and I lost about 5 fish. Just finished 7 weeks of my display tank being empty (no fish no inverts not even crabs or snails, only corals !! Ok and 2 clams)
I treated my fish in quarantine with copper for 4 weeks. Yesterday marked my 7th week fallow DT day so I introduced my fish back into my display (a huge maroon clown, yellow watchmen goby and blue chromis). Chromis and goby are fine. Clown has two white spots on his dorsal fin. Could this seriously be ICH still living in my tank? Would I see the trophont stage that fast on one of my fish? Less than 24 hours after introduction to the tank that previously had no fish for 7 weeks!!?
I'm so worried and discouraged

I thought I was doing everything I could to rid the parasite how could this be?? Could those 2 larger white spots be something other than ICH? They aren't as small as the white spots were when my tang had ICH initially and died. These are 2 bigger spots and there are only 2 of them. After about an hour the spots were still there but not as solid white - they were faint and almost looked like they were fading or being smudged off like paint?...
Help please

I can try to take a pic but the clown keeps hiding in the rocks

only comes out to eat.