Monthly upkeep costs for your system?
Hello again. Its been just over a year since I liquidated everything and got away from this hobby. I can say with certainty that I regret that decision greatly. I have been pondering for a while and creepin over everyones tank journals checking the updates and getting some more ideas. I learned a lot the last time I played around in this pool. Went way too big to fast (cost waaaayy too much) and then tried to setup a small system that was a little too restricting. I am drawing up some ideas but I am trying to plan this one properly. Im trying to stay resonable but if I cant afford a decent sized system I think I will be setting myself up for failure and would like to avoid that this round. I would love to setup a 250+ gal reef tank with a basement sump but thats just not resonable for me at this time in this house. I have been thinking around 120 gal or so maybe 180 if the wifes in a good mood, maybe a 90 if costs are too high, but am trying to guess monthly maintence costs of a system of this size. I think this will end up being a FOWLR but im sure a few corals will make it in to the mix if they survive. I know people try not to think of this (when I did a search the only threads I found was from 2008 ) but im really trying to plan this one right. Im not intrested in the fish/coral new gadget expenses or setup as that varies greatly. Thanks to everyone, answer or no answer, great group of people helping out here.
"I think were doomed."
"Nah, unless they got any big, giant robot camels I think were ok."
"Ah.....Jim.......robot camels"