Originally Posted by Tyler Werbowski
Have you tested the tap water for PO4 or just used the TDS?
I'd do a Hanna PO4 test on the tap water.
Have you ever flushed the RO membrane? I'd try flushing the RO membrane before replacing it.
Yes, I did... First test was a triple zero, second test was .028 and third test was .017... That was what prompt me to question the Hanna po4 tester.
The old membrane was due for a change. I had forgotten to do so in the summer.
Originally Posted by Delphinus
I thought I read somewhere that the Hanna checkers for phosphate don't give correct readings on freshwater. Having said that I can't seem to find the link where I read that, so I'm not 100% sure. I guess it can't hurt to have a new RO membrane regardless..
I don't know much about that but after testing it with the Hanna you may be right about that. Have a new one, in fact, I upgraded to the deluxe puratek... No more guessing and forgetting... Guess I'll be keeping the old one ( which is like new) for drinking only.
Making new water right now. TDS: 000.