Moving Established Reef tank to larger new tank
hey guys, just wondering if anyone has any advice on moving my 95 gallon with 20 gallon sump, to a 125 gallon with 30 gallon sump, the 125 is brand new, i am moving at the end of the month and dont want to setup my 95 gallon again id rather just transfer everything into the brand new 125 gallon, can i do this? my current has alot of coral lps and sps, a bunch of fish, an anemone, and a 4" sandbed, i will be going barebottom in the new tank, my thoughts were to transfer all my live rock and all the water i can save to new tank, topup with new saltwater and add my fish and coral right away, is this fine or will somehow i get a new cycle? maybe cause of no bacteria on the glass? any input will help thanks alot