ISO: saltwater setup for my daughters 5 birthday
So my daughter is turning 5 the end of this month and since she isn't interested in anything she can't learn about or help out with I have decided to invest in a tank. Her first steps were to my best friends huge salt water bow front tank. It feels like it was just recently she was tries eating kitty food out of the dish, spit it out and turned around crying... That was until the night lights on the tank flicked on.. Up she went, one foot in front of the other & she just stood there without a wobble for almost 30 minutes.. Captivated. My daughter is very interested in sea urchins, shrimp & puffer fish.. I will be the first one to admit that she probably has more knowledge about their habitats than I do.. Haha, anyway.. I am looking to buy a tank, mannnnnnny helpful tips too would be very much appreciated! Maybe a tank I'd just have to relocate, I don't know.. Help!!