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Old 09-15-2012, 02:42 AM
HaZRaTTy's Avatar
HaZRaTTy HaZRaTTy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 482
HaZRaTTy is on a distinguished road
Default Jordan's 120G


First of all a little story as we like to know where everything, and everyone has came from. Some people know me from MA, and other just from various deals of Tanks,Equipment and Frags.

I started a 65G reef with I would like to say good success I have learnt a lot of things along the way and when It was time to move into the new house figure it was too big for such a small tank so to my girlfriends half guided approval away I went.

Originally had purchased a 90G, and was ready to plumb when an opportunity came on a 120G Starfire RR tank which I couldn't turn down (Thanks Brad) Where the first Bump in the Road began, the 60G Sump had sustained a crack on the way up.

I started the cycle anyway, without a sump sitting in the living room with the rock in a 77G tank chilling in the garage.All the livestock from my 65G had a great babysitter (he had to get practiced up for the baby along the way) Harvey. Thanks Harv, for people who don't know Harvey you should! Head on into Marine Aquaria.

Anyways Enough Blabbing! On with the system!!


Tank: 120G Starfire L sided overflow via Durso.
Sump: Approx 50G
Skimmer: Reef Octopus (This thing is a beast!)
Return: Quiet One 6000 I believe.
Lighting: 2 AI Sols, Soon to be 3 w/ Controller
Powerheads 1 MP40Wes, 1 MP10Wes
Power: Ideally I would like to be GFI, but I cannot as my tank is in the living room. Currently plugged into a battery backup that I had laying around believe its made for a computer. My Return and Powerheads are plugged into the Battery outlets in case of a power outage I still have flow!

Going to be running Carbon/GFO/Pellets in the near future!!


Yellow Tang
Scopas Tang
Bicolor Blenny
3 x Reef Cromis
Longnose Hawkfish
Watchmen Goby
5x Striped Cardinal
2x Clownfish (Everyone needs clownfish)
Green Wrasse
Mysteri Wrasse


I'm not going to be listing them ALL off here but here goes nothing.

Green Birds Nest
Kenya Tree
Green Polyp Devils Hand
Pink Mili
Purple Digi
Grape Vine


Darth Maul

(Anyone that can ID Zoa's Please do, All you Zoo Fanatic's out there)

I know the phrase no one believes it without pictures well, bare with me I still need to skin the Steel stand and add the 3rd AI sol and make some sort of Canopy to house the Lighting but this is where I got to!

Sorry for the iPhone pictures as it is better at photography then I am.


^As you can see the middle dark shadow, can you guess where the 2 Sols are?

Boring Sump Picture with some LR



^^Zoa ID? Aussie Acan

I am currently in the process of renovating and finishing my basement, I was leaning on a in wall tank but with the new house and actually having to finish, finish the basement it just wasn't financially smart! I do however plan to plumb the tank where it is going to sit into the storage room and have a mini storage/fish room. Complete with a Sump, Frag Tank and Refugium. When this is all done I will finally be able to run RO/DI and have space to work and play some more!! I don't think that this will be in the works until early spring, but when it happens you guys will be included in the updates!!!!!
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